Evangelical Feminism: A New Path to Liberalism?

(Elliott) #1


authority over men do not apply to their organization. I have listed this
argument here as an “egalitarian claim” because it often functions in
practice to advance egalitarian goals and to encourage women to func-
tion in ways contrary to New Testament teachings. It is thus a kind of
“closet egalitarian” argument.
To respond to this argument it is necessary to point out, first, that
there is some truth in the argument, but it is not the whole truth. There
is some truth regarding some kinds of New Testament commands, but
it is not the whole truth regarding the commands relating to women’s
roles in ministry situations.
The truth in this argument is that parachurch organizations do not
function in every way as churches do. Take, for example, some of the
parachurch organizations I have been involved with. As far as I know,
Phoenix Seminary, where I teach, has never

  • baptized anyone

  • ordained anyone to the ministry

  • conducted a wedding or a funeral for anyone

  • held morning Sunday school classes for children

  • held Sunday morning worship services

Nor does Christian Heritage Academy of Northbrook, Illinois, a
Christian school that my children attended, do such things. Nor does
Crossway Books, the publisher of this book. Nor does the Evangelical
Theological Society, a professional academic society I have been a mem-
ber of for many years. As a general practice, I do not think these activ-
ities are carried out by Campus Crusade for Christ or Focus on the
Family or Promise Keepers or the Council on Biblical Manhood and
Womanhood. These are all “parachurch” organizations in that they
serve special purposes alongside the work of the church, and there are
some “church” activities they do not do. If asked why they do not do
these things, they will probably answer, “Because we are not a church.”
But that is not the whole story. In another sense, there is only one
church, the worldwide body of Christ, and these organizations are all
part of it. They are just not part of any one local church or any one
In addition, these organizations seek to obey many commands that

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