Evangelical Feminism: A New Path to Liberalism?

(Elliott) #1




Some evangelical feminists put unique circumstances

above the Bible

Yet another rejection of the ultimate authority of Scripture is found in

claims like that of John Arnott, pastor of the Toronto Airport Christian
Fellowship, that this is a unique time in history and therefore the old
prohibitions against women being pastors or teaching the Bible to men
no longer apply:

Women readers, be encouraged: your anointing will make room for
you! The desperate need of the hour is not merely for people who are
trained and educated, but for people of God who are anointed and
can bring God’s kingdom to a broken, hurting, desperate world
through signs, wonders and the power of the Holy Spirit.
All Christians must come to terms with the fact that about 85
percent of the world’s population is lost. And the lost are really
lost! Under these desperate conditions, why would anyone stand
in the way of another who felt called of God to help bring in the

In a similar vein Cindy Jacobs writes,

(^1) John Arnott, “All Hands to the Harvest,” Spread the Fire, October 1997, 1; this journal was
published by the Toronto Airport Christian Fellowship (see http://www.tacf.org)..)

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