Pesticides A Toxic Time Bomb in Our Midst

(Dana P.) #1

  1. C. R. Greene, ‘‘U.S. Organic Emerges in the 1990s: Adoptions of Certified
    Systems,’’Agricultural Information Bulletin No. 770(Washington, D.C.: U.S. Depart-
    ment of Agriculture, Economic Research Series, 2001).

  2. Barbara Haumann, ‘‘United States 7.6.1’’ in Helga Willer and Minou Yussefi,
    eds.,The World of Organic Agriculture—Statistics and Emerging Trends—2004(Bonn,
    Germany: International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements, 2004): 155.

  3. ‘‘Organic Market Stunted by Undersupply,’’Organic Monitor(Finland, MN:
    Organic Consumers Association, December 19, 2005).

  4. Jason Mark, ‘‘Conventional Food Processors in the Organic Industry Raise
    Debate about the Value of Organic Agriculture and the Motives of Big Business,’’
    The Monthly(October 1, 2004).

  5. Nina Planck, ‘‘Beyond USDA Organic: Buying Local, Organic, and Grass-
    Fed,’’The New York Times. November 23, 2005.

  6. Barbara Haumann. Op. cit.: 153–154.

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