Pesticides A Toxic Time Bomb in Our Midst

(Dana P.) #1

  1. Shanna H. Sean et al., ‘‘Pesticides and the Immune System,’’Pesticide News
    (June 1996): 15.

  2. Jerome Blondell, ‘‘Epidemiology of Pesticide Poisonings in the United States
    with Special Reference to Occupational Cases,’’Occupational Medicine: State of the
    Art Reviews12 (1997): 209–220.

  3. T. L. Litovitz et al., ‘‘The 2000 Annual Report of the American Association of
    Poison Control Centers Toxic Exposure Surveillance System,’’American Journal of
    Emergency Medicine19 (2001): 337–395.

  4. S. H. Schuman and W. Simpson, ‘‘A Clinical Historical Overview of
    Pesticide Health Issues,’’Occupational Medicine: State of the Art Reviews12 (1997):

  5. Lewis Regenstein,America the Poisoned(Washington, D.C.: Acropolis Books,
    1982): 103.

  6. League of Women Voters Education Fund,America’s Growing Dilemma: Pesti-
    cides in Food and Water(Washington, D.C.: LWVEF, 1989): 1.

  7. Richard Wiles,Testimony Before the Subcommittee on Health and the Environ-
    ment(Washington, D.C:. Environmental Working Group, October 21, 1993).
    10.Pesticide Industry Sales and Usage, 1990–1991 Market Estimates(Washington,
    D.C.: Office of Pesticide Programs, Economic Analysis Branch, Biological and Eco-
    nomic Analysis Division, EPA, Fall 1992): 2.

  8. Ibid.

  9. U.S. General Accounting Office, Report to the Chairman, Committee on Agri-
    culture, Nutrition, and Forestry, United States Senate,Pesticides: Limited Testing Finds
    Few Exported Unregistered Pesticide Violations on Imported Food(Washington, D.C.:
    GAO, October 1993): 3.

  10. David Pimental et al., ‘‘Environmental and Economic Cost of Pesticide Use,’’
    BioScience42 (10) (1992): 750–760.

  11. James R. Davis, Ross C. Brownson, and Richard Garcia, ‘‘Family Pesticide Use
    in the Home, Garden, Orchard, and Yard,’’Archives of Environmental Contamination
    and Toxicology22 (1992): 260–266.

  12. National Research Council,Alternative Agriculture(Washington, D.C.: National

  13. Ibid.

  14. Ibid.: 121.

  15. Ibid.: 123.

  16. Public Broadcasting Corporation’sFrontline, ‘‘In Our Children’s Food,’’ aired
    March 30, 2003, Martin Koughan, producer and director.

  17. Nancy Blanpied, ed.,Farm Policy: The Politics of Soil, Surpluses, and Subsidies
    (Washington, D.C.: Congressional Quarterly, Inc., 1984).
    21.Alternative Agriculture. Op. cit. 123.

  18. Ibid.: 125.

  19. J. Buckley et al., ‘‘Pesticide Exposures in Children with Non-Hodgkins Lym-
    phoma,’’Cancer89 (11) (2000): 2,315–2,322.

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