Pesticides A Toxic Time Bomb in Our Midst

(Dana P.) #1

Table 3.3
Parents Can Reduce Health Risks to Their Children by Feeding Them
Fruits and Vegetables with Consistently Low Pesticide Residues

Most-contaminated foods Least-contaminated foods

Rank Food Rank Food

1 Apples 1 Corn
2 Spinach 2 Cauliflower
3 Peaches 3 Sweet Peas
4 Pears 4 Asparagus
5 Strawberries 5 Broccoli
6 Grapes (Chile) 6 Pineapples
7 Potatoes 7 Onions
8 Red raspberries 8 Bananas
9 Celery 9 Watermelons
10 Green beans 10 Cherries (Chile)

Source:Compiled from USDA and FDA pesticide residue data, 1992–1997.

Table 3.4
Older, Highly Toxic Pesticides Continue to Dominate the Market


Product first

Est. total use
in lbs. (1995) Health effects

Altrazine 1959 70,500,000 Carcinogen, hormone disrupter,
tap water contaminant
Metolachlor 1977 61,500,000 Carcinogen, hormone disrupter
tap water contaminant
2,4-D 1948 53,000,000 Neurotoxicant, hormone
Metam sodium 1955 51,500,000 Carcinogen, teratogen
Methyl bromide 1947 48,500,000 Lethal neurotoxicant, teratogen,
depletes ozone layer
Glyphosate 1974 43,000,000 Neurotoxicant
Dichloropropene 1960 40,500,000 Carcinogen
Cyanazine 1971 26,500,000 Teratogen, carcinogen, tap water
Pendimethalim 1975 25,500,000 Carcinogen
Trifluralin 1963 25,500,000 Carcinogen, hormone disrupter
Chlorpyrifos 1965 25,000,000 Developmental neurotoxicant

Source:EPA pesticide industry sales and usage: 1994 and 1996 market estimates, August 1997; health
information from EPA Office of Pesticide Programs data.

Pesticides in Food | 87
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