Imaging in Stem Cell Transplant and Cell-based Therapy

(Nancy Kaufman) #1


disease in a few animal model studies. Improvement in learning, memory and
increase in cholinergic neuron number have been reported in animal models [ 14 ].
Due to their ability to migrate to areas of brain where there is cell damage, neural
stem cells have also been used as vehicles to deliver neurotrophic factors such as
glial cell derived neurotrophic factor as well serve as carriers of genes that produce
neurotrophic factors (Fig. 4.2) [ 15 ].
A study, in which umbilical cord blood-derived mesenchymal stem cells co-
culture reduced the hippocampal apoptosis induced by amyloid-β peptide treatment,
was published by a group in South Korea. Moreover, Alzheimer’s disease in a mouse
model treated with umbilical cord-derived stem cells demonstrated cognitive rescue
with restoration of learning/memory function [ 16 ]. Stroke

The role of stem cell therapy in ischemic stroke patients lies in restoring function
and reducing damage to the brain cells. Due to their ability to cross blood brain bar-
rier and preferentially home in damaged areas of the brain, mesenchymal stem cells
have been shown to promote cellular regeneration by increasing neovascularity,
expressing trophic factors that promote function of neural progenitor cells, as well
as reduce apoptosis [ 17 ]. Studies performed on stroke patients injected with intrave-
nous mesenchymal stem cells have shown good safety profiles and clinical improve-
ment in neurologic deficits as well as reduction in atrophy within peri-infarct areas
as seen on follow up MRI at 12 months [ 18 ].

Alzheimer’s disease
Multiple sclerosis

Neurotrophic and
immune modulatory
function of stem

Improvement of

Fig. 4.2 Role of stem cells in brain disorders (arrow)

R. Ram et al.
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