On Biomimetics by Lilyana Pramatarova

(lily) #1

On Biomimetics

(A) (B)

(C) (D)

Fig. 21. Bisbenzimide staining of HEPM cells cultured on PCL (Panels A and B) and 80:20
PCL-CaP composite (Panels C and D) scaffolds for 5 days. A: HEPM cells on the surface
struts of a 600 μm pore size PCL scaffold (50x); B: HEPM cells growing around and into a
pore on the same scaffold imaged in panel A (100x); C: HEPM cells on the surface struts of a
600 μm pore size 80:20 PCL-CaP composite scaffold (200x), note the increased density of
nuclear staining relative to the PCL scaffold; D: HEPM cells colonizing a pore in the scaffold
imaged in panel C (original magnification 50x); E: HEPM cells growing on a strut from the
scaffold center (100x).

(A) (B)
Fig. 22. Scanning electron micrographs of HEPM cells cultured on 600 μm pore size PCL and
80/20 PCL-CaP scaffolds for 5 days. A: Flattened HEPM cells on PCL scaffold, Scale bar = 50
μm; B: Multilayered HEPM cells on 80/20 PCL-CaP scaffold, scale bar = 20 μm.
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