Caspases,Paracaspases, and Metacaspases Methods and Protocols

(Wang) #1


protocol utilizes a pro-luminescent caspase-3/7 substrate
(Promega) containing the DEVD motif. In the presence of active
caspase-3/7, this substrate will be cleaved and release aminolucif-
erin, a substrate of luciferase that will result in the production of
light. When this substrate is incubated in the egg extract undergo-
ing apoptosis (and active caspase-3 and/or caspase-7), the sub-
strate is cleaved, and a luminescent signal is produced proportional
to the level of caspase- 3/7 activity.

  1. Pipette 85 μL of DEVDase buffer per well of a 96-well plate
    for each sample and/or time point to be assayed.

  2. Supplement egg extract from Subheading 3.1 with 1:20 dilu-
    tion of 20× EM. Add any treatments that you wish to examine
    ( see Note 13 ).

  3. Incubate the egg extract at room temperature for 6 h. A good
    quality extract will undergo caspase activation at approximately
    3 or 4 h ( see Fig. 2 ).

  4. Add 3 μL of egg extract per well for each time point and/or
    sample. The plate should be kept on ice while samples are
    being taken, while the extract should remain at room tempera-
    ture ( see Note 14 ).

  5. Add 5 μL of the Caspase-Glo 3/7 assay substrate (Promega)
    to each well. Mix briefl y and gently, and then incubate the
    plate at 37 °C for 15 min.

  6. Analyze the luminescent output of the plate using 3 s inte-
    grated readings on a microplate reader.

Fig. 2 Spontaneous apoptosis in X. laevis egg extracts. Egg extract was incu-
bated at room temperature, and aliquots were taken at indicated time points and
analyzed for caspase-3/7 activity as described in Subheading 3.3. Note that
addition of G6P to a separate aliquot of extract inhibited this spontaneous apop-
tosis (McCoy and Nutt, unpublished data)

Francis McCoy et al.
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