Caspases,Paracaspases, and Metacaspases Methods and Protocols

(Wang) #1


  1. Incubate the sections with caspase antibody at appropriate
    dilution (at least 1:200) in antibody dilution buffer in a humid-
    ifi ed chamber for 1 h at room temperature or overnight at
    4 °C. To assess nonspecifi c staining or verify the binding speci-
    fi cities of primary antibodies, incubate the sections in antibody
    dilution buffer or equal amounts of nonspecifi c mouse, rabbit,
    or goat immunoglobulins without the primary antibody for
    negative controls.

  2. Wash the sections with PBS-T for 5 min, repeat two times.

  3. Incubate the sections with HRP-conjugated secondary anti-
    body at appropriate dilution in antibody dilution buffer at
    room temperature in the dark for 1 h.

  4. Wash the sections with PBS-T for 5 min, repeat two times.

  5. Incubate the sections in dark with HRP substrate solution.

  6. Wash slides with PBS-T for 5 min, repeat two times to remove
    excess chromogen.

  7. Dehydrate the slides with ascending graded alcohols (for 20 s
    each in 35, 70, and 95 % ethanol, and 2 min in 100 % ethanol)
    and clear in xylene.

  8. Mount the slides with mounting medium.

  9. Incubate the sections in blocking buffer at room temperature
    for 30 min ( see Note 10 ).

  10. Incubate the sections with primary antibody at appropriate
    dilution (at least 1:200) in antibody dilution buffer in a humid-
    ifi ed chamber for 1 h at room temperature or overnight at
    4 °C.

  11. Wash the sections with PBS-T for 5 min, repeat two times.

  12. Incubate the sections with fl uorescent secondary antibody at
    appropriate dilution in antibody dilution buffer at room tem-
    perature in the dark for 1 h ( see Note 11 ).

  13. Wash the sections with PBS-T for 5 min, repeat two times.

  14. Counterstain nuclei with DAPI in mounting medium (e.g.,

  15. Coverslip and cure slides in the dark at room temperature for
    4 h or at 4 °C overnight.

  16. Record immunofl uorescence using appropriate fi lter for sec-
    ondary antibody and for DAPI and record bright-fi eld or DIC

  17. Compare with sections developed without primary antibody to
    assess background fl uorescence of tissue. Immunofl uores-
cence Staining

3.3.4 Imaging
of Immunofl uorescence
( See Note 12 )

Varsha Kaushal et al.
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