Caspases,Paracaspases, and Metacaspases Methods and Protocols

(Wang) #1


  1. Protein fragments produced as a result of caspase-mediated
    cleavage of specifi c substrates are not always possible to detect
    by SDS-PAGE using antibodies raised against the full-length
    protein. In this case, processing of target proteins in apoptotic
    samples may be indicated by a decrease of substrate quantity.

  2. Both caspase activity buffers can be stored for several weeks
    at 4 °C.

  3. In addition to classical FMK inhibitors, some suppliers
    also provide a new generation of caspase inhibitors. For e
    xample, Q-VD-OPh (Quinolyl-Valyl- O -methylaspartyl-[2,6-
    difl uorophenoxy]-methyl ketone) is a cell-permeable, irrevers-
    ible, broad spectrum caspase inhibitor that displays less toxicity
    and longer stability than the FMK inhibitors.

  4. Normally, due to denaturing effects of sample buffer and boil-
    ing, the addition of protease inhibitors is unnecessary.

  5. Cells will lyse in the BCA reaction buffer and release protein

  6. Alternatively, shear the DNA either by sonication or by
    repeated passage through a 23-gauge needle.

  7. Repeated loading of samples after storage in −20 °C requires
    1–2 min heating at 95 °C in order to eliminate SDS

  8. Wrapped in damp paper towels, a polymerized SDS-PAGE gel
    can be stored at 4 °C for up to 1 week.

  9. Since several factors, including quality of antibodies and
    efficiency of the ECL solution used will influence the che-
    miluminescence signal in SDS-PAGE immunodetection,
    the optimal protein amount to be loaded has to be determined

  10. Trapping of air bubbles is easily avoided if assembly of the
    sandwich is performed submerged in transfer buffer.

  11. Transfer effi ciency, quality of separation, and equal loading can
    be controlled by Ponceau S Staining. Using this method,
    microgram quantities of transferred protein can be detected
    with a clear background and red protein bands. This staining is
    reversible and allows further immunological detection.
    Ponceau S stain solution: Dissolve 0.033 g Ponceau S in 10 mL
    of water, add 0.3 mL of glacial acetic acid and make to 30 mL
    with water. Store the solution at room temp.
    Procedure for total protein detection:
    (a) Immerse the blotted membrane in Ponceau S staining
    solution and stain for 1–3 min.
    (b) After staining, rinse the membrane in water until a distinct
    protein pattern develops.

Magnus Olsson and Boris Zhivotovsky
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