Caspases,Paracaspases, and Metacaspases Methods and Protocols

(Wang) #1

(c) Remove stain by repeated washing in water or PBS.
(d) Proceed to the blocking procedure.

  1. To minimize evaporation and the required volume of primary
    antibody solution, choose a lidded container with a size similar
    to that of the membrane.

  2. For high abundant protein targets, incubation for 1 h at room
    temperature is suffi cient.

  3. A number of factors, including quality of antibodies and the
    type of ECL used, may infl uence exposure times considerably.

  4. In some experimental models, processed caspase fragments
    may be hard to reveal. This is, for some reason, especially true
    for caspase-2. One approach to overcome this problem is to
    fi rstly perform immunoprecipitation using agarose-conjugated
    VAD (agarose-valyl-alanyl-aspartyl), which bind the catalytic
    site of active caspases. Subsequently, precipitated material is
    separated in SDS-PAGE and immunoblotted with the anti-
    body of interest [ 16 ].

  5. By repeating the immunodetection step, it is possible to target
    other caspases in the same membrane Stripping is only required
    if the proteins targeted are overlapping in size or can be recog-
    nized by the same secondary Abs. If this is not the case, wash
    the membrane 3 × 10 min in PBS and proceed to immunode-
    tection ( steps 1 – 9 ) using a second primary antibody of

  6. Markers such as G3PDH or b -actin, which expression levels
    remain relatively constant across various cell culture condi-
    tions, should also be detected. Optical density values of target
    proteins bands are then correlated to the corresponding values
    of the marker protein. By this mean, comparisons in between
    individual samples become more accurate.

  7. Long-term storage of nitrocellulose membranes is accomplished
    by drying. During storage, keep the membranes protected in
    between two 3MM papers. For repeated use, incubate the
    membranes in PBS for 30 min on a rocker and proceed to

  8. For some cell types poly- L -lysine-coated coverslips may be
    required as culture substratum.

  9. For cells growing in suspension, a cytospin protocol is required
    in order to attach cells to the coverslip.

  10. Fixed and washed samples can be stored at 4 °C for up to 1 week.

  11. When a primary antibody is used in immunocytochemistry for
    the fi rst time, it should be titrated to determine the dilution
    which allows for a robust specifi c signal with a minimum of
    background (normally 1:200 to 1:1,000).

  12. The surface tension will keep the liquid in place.

Caspases in Mammalian Cell Cultures
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