Caspases,Paracaspases, and Metacaspases Methods and Protocols

(Wang) #1


Consequently, the methods presented below may be useful for the
structure solution of other Ca 2+ binding proteins where the more
traditional HA methods fail.

  1. Prepare a solution containing 60 mM SmAc in the crystalliza-
    tion solution.

  2. Pipette 2–3 μL of this solution onto clean well of a 24-well
    crystallization tray.

  3. Open a crystallization well containing the crystals and collect
    a single crystal using a cryoloop and transfer to the heavy atom

  4. Cover the well for 2 min before transferring the crystal briefl y
    to the cryo-solution and freezing at 100 K ( see above).

Fluorogenic substrate assays are used to assess the activity of active
TbMCA2 and associated mutants, by measuring the release of a
fl uorophore (e.g., AMC) from the hydrolysis of a fl uorescent pep-
tide by the enzyme. All assays should be run in technical triplicate
and include a negative control (containing no protein). In addi-
tion, all replicates and controls should be included on the same
96-well plate. The amount of each reagent is given for a standard
assay, but the volume of protein should be optimized as required.

  1. Exchange the protein into the Exchange Buffer using a PD-10
    desalting column.

  2. Concentrate the protein using a centrifugal concentrator, or
    dilute as necessary, to around 0.5–1 mg/mL. The protein can
    be stored at 4 °C but for best results it should be used as soon
    as possible after purifi cation ( see Note 17 ).

  3. Dilute the fl uorogenic substrates to a 100 μM working stock
    in ddH 2 O. Prepare enough for 20 μL per well.

  4. Immediately prior to running the assay, dilute protein to
    between 0.2 and 0.4 mg/mL in 1× Assay buffer. This is a 40×
    working solution requiring 5 μL per well and giving a fi nal
    assay concentration of 5–10 μg/mL.

  5. Place a 96-well black bottomed plate on ice and add the
    reagents in the following order:
    (a) ddH 2 O to give a fi nal volume of 200 μL
    (b) 100 μL 2× Assay Buffer
    (c) 5 μL protein (or buffer for a negative control). This vol-
    ume can be adjusted as necessary.
    (d) 20 μL substrate

  6. Remove the plate from the ice, place in the fl uorescence plate
    reader, and equilibrate to ambient temperature (20–25 °C) for
    5 min.

3.5 Activity Assays

3.5.1 Fluorogenic
Substrate Activity Assays

Karen McLuskey et al.
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