Caspases,Paracaspases, and Metacaspases Methods and Protocols

(Wang) #1

  1. Read the fl uorescence using an excitation wavelength of
    355 nm and emission wavelength of 460 nm. Fluorescence
    measurements should be taken approximately every 5 s for
    around 10 min, but the interval time and total read time can
    be varied, depending on the reaction velocity.

  2. Plot the relative fl uorescence units (FU) versus time ( T ) (in min).

  3. Select a time interval over which the increase in fl uorescence is
    linear and calculate the slope of the graph over this time frame.
    This gives the reaction rate ( Δ FU/ T ), which is a relative mea-
    sure of protein activity. This can generally be used to compare
    the activities of different enzymes within the same experiment
    (on the same 96-well plate).

In order to calculate the specifi c activity of the protein an AMC
standard curve should be generated.

  1. Make a 10 μM solution of AMC in ddH 2 O (AMC 1) in a
    microcentrifuge tube.

  2. Make a 1/2 (2-fold) dilution of AMC 1 with ddH 2 O (e.g.,
    200 μL AMC + 200 μL ddH 2 O) and place in tube 2.

  3. Repeat this 2-fold serial dilution in to further nine tubes.

  4. Add 200 μL of each dilution to a single row (wells 1–11) of a
    96-well plate and add 200 μL ddH 2 O to well 12.

  5. Remove the plate from the ice, place in the fl uorescence plate
    reader, and equilibrate to ambient temperature (20–25 °C) for
    5 min.

  6. Read the fl uorescence using an excitation wavelength of
    355 nm and emission wavelength of 460 nm ( see Note 9 ).

  7. Plot the relative fl uorescence units (FU) versus the total
    amount of AMC (μmoles per well; [AMC]/5,000 to give total
    moles AMC in 200 μL well).

  8. Fit a linear regression line to this data with the formula
    y = mx + b , where y is FU and x is μmoles of AMC per

  9. Using the AMC standard curve, calculate the amount of AMC
    released (increase in AMC; Δ AMC), using the Δ FU value
    obtained earlier from the plot of FU versus time. Ensure the
    amount of AMC is in μmoles.

  10. Divide Δ AMC by T (in min) to give the number of enzyme
    units ( U ) in your 200 μL well ( U = amount of substrate released
    in μmol/min).

  11. Divide the number of enzyme units ( U ) by the amount of pro-
    tein (in mg) in the reaction to give the specifi c activity ( U /mg).

3.5.2 AMC
Standard Curve

3.5.3 Converting Relative
Activity to Specifi c Activity
( See Note 19 )

Trypanosoma Metacaspases
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