Caspases,Paracaspases, and Metacaspases Methods and Protocols

(Wang) #1


  1. All fractions should be checked by SDS-PAGE to identify the
    protein, as the elution profi le may change depending on the
    temperature and pH of the buffers. This protocol is good for
    inactive TbMCA2 C213A , but other forms of this enzyme and
    other T. brucei metacaspases may require additional purifi ca-
    tion steps.

  2. SimplyBlue SafeStain (Invitrogen) can be disposed of safely by
    fl ushing down the sink and the gels destained using ddH 2 O.
    Other types of Coomassie stain may require specifi c disposal
    methods and destaining protocols, and if chosen these should
    be investigated.

  3. The extinction coeffi cient can be calculated from the primary
    sequence using tools such as ProtParam ([ 21 ], http://web. ). The extinction coeffi cient of
    TbMCA2 C213A , including the linker and His-tag is
    29,910 M −1 cm −1 and the Beer–Lambert Law ( A = Ecl ) can
    then be used to calculate the relative protein concentration
    where A = A 280 , E = extinction coeffi cient, c = concentration,
    and l = path length of the cell. While this method may not give
    an exact measure of protein concentration (relying on the
    absorbance from the Tyr and Trp residues) it is suffi ciently
    accurate and reproducible for preparation of samples for crys-
    tallization trials.

  4. Purifi ed T. brucei metacaspases should be stored at 4 °C rather
    than at −20 °C, as freeze–thaw cycles are known to reduce pep-
    tidase activity and affect the crystallizability of TbMCA2 C213A.
    In addition, TbMCA2 C213A should be used in crystallization
    trials as soon as possible after purifi cation as any delay in this
    will affect the success rate of reproducing crystals.

  5. In the case of TbMCA2 C213A , the crystallization solution can
    be used as an appropriate stabilizing solution for seeding.

  6. One enzyme unit ( U ) is the amount of enzyme that catalyzes
    the reaction of 1 μmol of substrate.

  7. The incubation time is enzyme specifi c and will have to be
    optimized for different proteins and possibly different batches
    of the same protein. The given times are based on assays using
    active recombinant TbMCA2.


This work was supported by Wellcome Trust Grant 091790 and
Medical Research Council Grant 0700127. The Wellcome Trust
Centre for Molecular Parasitology is supported by core funding
from Wellcome Trust Grant 085349.

Karen McLuskey et al.
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