Caspases,Paracaspases, and Metacaspases Methods and Protocols

(Wang) #1


protein fractions. For conducting normal immunoblots, prepare
extracts using buffer A.

  1. For effi cient elution, ensure that the needle completely pierces
    the microcentrifuge tube. The out pour of the liquid when
    removing the needle is indicative of whether or not the tube
    has been suffi ciently pierced. If elution is not complete, repeat
    the centrifugation in step 9 for 15–20 s.

  2. During the equilibration step, the 30 s fi ltration time may be
    excessive depending on the vacuum strength. This time may be
    adjusted accordingly. More importantly, monitor the fi ltration
    to ensure that the wells do not dry out completely. Partial or
    complete drying out of the membrane will affect binding of
    proteins to the membrane. Once the buffer in a majority of the
    wells has fi ltered through, turn off the vacuum and remove any
    excess liquid from the remaining wells. This step will also be
    indicative of the uniformity of the vacuum.

  3. During fi ltration, ensure that there is no buildup of fl uid within
    the tubing and around the fl ow valve to prevent backfl ow
    which may ruin the experiment if not corrected quickly. This
    can be prevented by increasing the vacuum strength by block-
    ing the atmosphere line in the fl ow valve. We highly recom-
    mend getting acquainted with the apparatus before proceeding
    with the experiment. We usually see buildup around the fl ow
    valve after assembling the apparatus due to excess retention of
    buffer in the fi lter paper. In such instances, open the valve to
    drain the buffer before loading the samples.

  4. Sealing off the wells helps maintain uniform vacuum across the
    apparatus and prevents drying. We fi nd that sometimes the fi l-
    tration can be length depending on the amount of protein
    used. In such instances keep adding buffer (few drops from a
    P1000 pipet) to the sample wells that have fi ltered through to
    prevent drying of the well until all samples have fi ltered
    through. This should be done in addition to the wash step.

  5. To avoid nonuniform destaining of the membrane, do not
    pour the destain solution directly onto the membrane. Always
    place membrane onto the solution. Monitor the bands on the
    membrane to make sure that the higher dilutions (D3, D4) do
    not destain completely. The incubation time in the destain
    solution can be adjusted accordingly.

  6. Keep all of the samples and buffers which are to be utilized on
    ice throughout the procedure.

  7. Incubating the cells with the FM stain for a longer duration of
    time (1.5–2 h) may yield in better staining of the vacuoles.
    However, this may be accompanied by increased background
    staining. The concentration of the stain in culture may be
    increased but we do recommend a minimum 1 h incubation

Amit Shrestha et al.
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