precise sites-of-cleavage) enables prediction of the functional
consequences of cleavage events.
Here we describe a detailed protocol for using PROTOMAP,
which should be applicable to cell or tissue systems from a wide
range of biological models and even primary human specimens.
2 Materials
- Tris-Glycine SDS-PAGE buffer (National Diagnostics,
EC-870). - Loading dye.
- 10 % acrylamide gel.
- Ammonium bicarbonate.
- Phosphate-buffered saline.
- Prestained protein molecular weight marker.
- Razor.
- Clear glass plate.
- Square glass container.
- Formic acid.
- Sequencing-grade modifi ed trypsin (Promega).
- Trypsin resuspension buffer (Promega).
- Iodoacetamide.
- Tris (2-carboxyethyl) phosphine.
- High-purity water.
- Optima-grade acetonitrile.
- Ammonium bicarbonate.
- Speed vacuum.
- 1.5 mL Eppendorf tubes.
- Incubator (37 °C).
- MS buffer A: 95 % high-purity water, 5 % optima-grade aceto-
nitrile, and 0.1 % formic acid. - MS buffer B: 20 % high-purity water, 80 % optima-grade ace-
tonitrile, and 0.1 % formic acid. - 5 μm C18 reverse-phase resin (Phenomenex).
- Model P-2000 CO 2 laser puller (Sutter Instrument).
- Agilent 1100 series HPLC.
- LTQ ion trap mass spectrometer (Thermo Electron).
- High pressure bomb.
- Fused silica capillary tubing (365 μm outer diameter, 100 μm
inner diameter (ID); Agilent, cat. no. 160-2255-10).
2.2 In-Gel Digestion
2.3 Mass
Global Identifi cation of Caspase Substrates