Caspases,Paracaspases, and Metacaspases Methods and Protocols

(Wang) #1

  1. Install a Windows-compatible distribution of Perl. The
    ActivePerl distribution from ActiveState is free of charge and is
    available for download from the ActiveState website ( http:// ).

  2. Download the custom PROTOMAP Perl scripts from http:// Extract the scripts into the
    top-level folder in which your sub-folders containing DTASelect
    data reside. Briefl y, the purposes of the three scripts are:
    (a) – reads each DTASelect.html fi le and stores the
    sequence covered by all of the peptides for each protein in
    fi les called coverg.txt in each folder.
    (b) – must be run after running This
    script reads each DTAselect-fi lter.txt fi le and coverage maps
    generated by to create a single fi le called all-
    data.pmap that contains combined spectral-count and
    sequence- coverage information for the entire dataset.
    (c) – must be run last. It takes a pmap fi le as
    input and produces all of the graphical peptographs and a
    web- browser interface to view them.

Fig. 2 Typical organization of DTASelect data. The only requirement is that the
DTASelect data for each gel band are stored in separate folders

Global Identifi cation of Caspase Substrates
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