Caspases,Paracaspases, and Metacaspases Methods and Protocols

(Wang) #1


4 Notes

  1. When preparing cell lysates, add protease and specifi c caspase
    inhibitors to eliminate any residual proteolytic activity. When
    possible prepare the samples and run the gel in the same day.

  2. If enough lanes are available, run the sample in duplicate so
    you will have a back-up if something goes wrong during the
    mass spectrometric analysis.

  3. When handling the gel and performing the in-gel digestions,
    make sure to always wear gloves and minimize exposure of the
    gel bands to possible keratin contamination.

  4. When cutting the gel, make sure to keep the gel hydrated
    enough to prevent curling/shrinking, if you notice this hap-
    pening splash a little high-purity water onto the gel.

  5. Make sure all glassware is clean and free of any detergents, which
    could negatively impact the mass spectrometric analysis.


  1. Dix MM, Simon GM, Cravatt BF (2008) Global
    mapping of the topography and magnitude of
    proteolytic events in apoptosis. Cell

  2. Simon GM, Dix MM, Cravatt BF (2009)
    Comparative assessment of large-scale pro-

teomic studies of apoptotic proteolysis. ACS
Chem Biol 4:401–408

  1. Cociorva D, Tabb DL, Yates JR (2006)
    Validation of tandem mass spectrometry data-
    base search results using DTASelect. Curr
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    ment 16, Johnwiley and Sons

Melissa M. Dix et al.
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