Caspases,Paracaspases, and Metacaspases Methods and Protocols

(Wang) #1

coding regions containing the putative caspase-2 cleavage site
can be used [ 43 ].

  1. In vitro transcription/translation of each substrate is carried
    out using the Promega TNT-Rabbit Reticulocyte Translation
    System according to the instructions provided by the manufac-
    turer. Reactions will contain 25 μl TNT lysate, 2 μl TNT reac-
    tion buffer, 1 μl RNA polymerase (T3, T7, or SP6), 1 μl amino
    acid mixture lacking methionine, 3 μl^35 S-methionine, 1 μl
    ribonuclease inhibitor, 1 μg plasmid DNA, and sterile RNase-
    free water to a fi nal volume of 50 μl.

  2. Incubate reactions at 30 °C for approximately 2 h.

  3. Centrifuge samples at 10,000 × g for 5 min and transfer super-
    natant to a fresh tube. At this stage, the in vitro-translated
    35 S-labeled protein can be stored at −70 °C for up to 2 weeks.

  4. For cleavage assays, incubate 5 μl of^35 S-labeled protein at
    37 °C for 2 h with 50–100 nM recombinant caspase-2 in cas-
    pase assay buffer in a total volume 50 μl.

  5. To controls, preincubate recombinant caspase-2 with a caspase
    inhibitor (e.g., 50 μM Ac-VDVAD-CHO, z-VAD-FMK, or
    Q-VD-OPh) for 30 min prior to the addition of in vitro-
    translated^35 S-labeled protein substrate.

  6. To stop reactions, add 50 μl of 2× PLB to each tube, boil for
    5 min, and centrifuge at 10,000 × g for 5 min.

  7. Check substrate cleavage products by resolving^35 S-labeled
    proteins by electrophoresis on a 10–15 % polyacrylamide/SDS

  8. Once resolved, transfer proteins to PVDF membranes using
    either wet or semidry transfer apparatus (for approximately
    90 min at 130 mA).

  9. Visualize^35 S-labeled protein bands by autoradiography, follow-
    ing overnight exposure to X-ray fi lm or phosphor screen.
    Longer exposure time may be required if signal intensity is low.
    An example of autoradiograph showing caspase-2 cleavage by
    recombinant caspase-2 or apoptotic lysate is shown in Fig. 2.

An alternative method to demonstrate caspase-2-mediated cleav-
age of substrate is to incubate recombinant caspase-2 with cell
extracts and observe protein substrate cleavage by immunoblotting
using specifi c antibodies against a known endogenous caspase-2

  1. To prepare protein cell extracts, cultured cells are harvested by
    gentle scraping into medium or by treatment with trypsin for
    5 min at 37 °C (for adherent cells), or cell culture medium is
    simply collected (for suspension cells). For tissues, homoge-
    nize frozen tissue in cell extraction buffer using a tissue

3.3.2 Cleavage of
Substrates in Cells Extracts
by Recombinant

Assays for Studying Caspase-2
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