
(Jacob Rumans) #1

Changing the Mission of Theories of Teleology 21

enough. The udders were designed by nature to deliver milk, but their size and productivity
are designed by human intentions (see fi gure 2.3). These domesticated animals, while
designed by human breeding to be good for our purposes, are no longer well suited to
living in the wild. Thus they now depend on human care for their existence.
The amazing variety of breeds of dogs is virtually entirely due to human breeding (see
fi gure 2.4). We have bred them for more than two thousand years for various purposes.
We created retrievers and other gun dogs (or bird dogs) for retrieving birds in hunting,
various kinds of shepherd dogs for herding sheep, pit bulls and other dogs for attack,
huskies for pulling sleds through snow and tundra, Saint Bernards for snow rescue,

Figure 2.2
Gardens of Schloss Schönbrunn in Vienna.

Figure 2.3
A dairy cow—nature did not design it like this!

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