Martin Buber's Theopolitics

(Tina Sui) #1

xiv | Acknowledgments

Thanks to walter de gruyter in Berlin for permission to republish mate-
rial from samuel hayim Brody, “is Theopolitics an antipolitics?” in Dialogue
as a Trans-Disciplinary Concept: Martin Buber’s Philosophy of Dialogue and Its
Contemporary Reception, edited by paul Mendes-Flohr, 61–88 (Berlin: walter de
gruyter, 2015).
Many colleagues make my fields quite simply decent places to be—or as de-
cent as possible in the face of unrelenting political and economic indecency. Mar-
tin Kavka and randi rashkover above all, and others too many to name. They
know who they are.
carrie caine is most likely the only person besides my parents to have read
this book in all its forms. she did drudge work on the footnotes to chapter 6 and
provided crucial editorial suggestions in the crunch. she truly does whatever a
carrie caine.
This book is dedicated to my parents, ruth sussman and Jules Brody, who
taught me to love learning, and whose love and support have always shaped
my life.

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