Martin Buber's Theopolitics

(Tina Sui) #1

note on translation

and transliteration

translations from the tanakh are usually drawn from the old Jewish pub-

lication society (1917) version, though i have frequently tweaked the translation
to bring it closer to the new Jps. new testament translations are from the new
revised standard Version.
i have not employed any standardized transliteration schemes, such as
that of the society of Biblical literature, preferring to employ less specialized
transliterations more accessible to general readers. when i cite german bibli-
cal scholarship, i leave their conventions the way they are (e.g., Jhwh for the
tetragrammaton, Nabi for prophet). But when i write for myself, i choose ap-
proximations closer to english usage (e.g., yhVh for the tetragrammaton, Navi
for prophet).

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