Martin Buber's Theopolitics

(Tina Sui) #1

288 | Martin Buber’s Theopolitics

  1. Agamben, Time That Remains, 52.

  2. Badiou, Saint Paul, 88.

  3. Ibid., 66.

  4. KG 109.

  5. Scholem, “Martin Buber’s Conception of Judaism,” 127.

  6. Pierre Clastres, Society against the State: Essays in Political Anthropology, trans. Robert
    Hurley and Abe Stein (New York: Zone Books, 1987), 7.

  7. CrimethInc. Ex-Workers’ Collective, Days of War, Nights of Love: Crimethink for Begin-
    ners (Canada: CrimethInc. Free Press, 2001), 9.

  8. CrimethInc. Ex-Workers’ Collective, Expect Resistance: A Field Manual (Canada:
    2008), 4.

  9. CrimethInc. Ex-Workers’ Collective, Days of War, Nights of Love, 34.

  10. Murray Bookchin, Social Anarchism or Lifestyle Anarchism: An Unbridgeable Chasm
    (Oakland, CA: AK Press,1995). Bookchin’s charges were answered bitterly by Bob Black, Anar-
    chy after Leftism (Birmingham, UK: CAL Press, 1997), in what became known as the “lifestylist
    controversy.” Bookchin was also answered by NietzsChe Guevara in Lifestyle Monarchism, a
    book that may or may not exist; Days of War, Nights of Love, 281.

  11. Nadia C., “Face It, Your Politics Are Boring as Fuck,” in Days of War, Nights of Love,

  12. Ibid., 244.

  13. Michael Albert, Parecon: Life after Capitalism (London: Verso, 2003).

  14. Richard J. F. Day, Gramsci Is Dead: Anarchist Currents in the Newest Social Movements
    (London: Pluto Press, 2005).

  15. Subcomandante Marcos, Our Word Is Our Weapon, ed. Juan Ponce de León (New York:
    Seven Stories Press, 2001); cf. Staughton Lynd and Andrej Grubacic, Wobblies & Zapatistas:
    Conversations on Anarchism, Marxism, and Radical History (Oakland, CA: PM Press, 2008).

  16. David Graeber, Direct Action: An Ethnography (Oakland, CA: AK Press, 2009).

  17. Wes Enzinna, “A Dream of Secular Utopia in ISIS’ Backyard,” New York Times Maga-
    zine, November 24, 2015.

  18. Nathan Schneider, “Occupation for Dummies: How It Came About, What It Means,
    How It Works and Everything,” Occupied Wall Street Journal, Fall 2011; Kate Khatib, Margaret
    Killjoy, and Mike McGuire, eds., We Are Many: Reflections on Movement Strategy from Oc-
    cupation to Liberation (Oakland, CA: AK Press, 2012).

  19. Stout, Blessed Are the Organized, 19, 258, 303, 307, 311n72.

  20. PU 24.

  21. Ibid., 26.

  22. Ibid., 36.

  23. Ibid., 115.

  24. Ibid., 38, 43.

  25. Ibid., 96.

  26. Ibid., 117.

  27. Ibid., 81.

  28. Ibid., 47.

  29. Against Me! Those Anarcho Punks Are Mysterious... © 2002 by No Idea Records, NO
    IDEA 129. MP3.

  30. PU 47.

  31. Ibid., 104.

  32. See the classic account of anarchist Barcelona in George Orwell, Homage to Catalonia
    (San Diego: Harcourt, Brace & Co., 1980); Sam Dolgoff, ed., The Anarchist Collectives: Work-

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