Martin Buber's Theopolitics

(Tina Sui) #1

308 | Index

Begin, Menachem, 252
Ben ‘am le-artzo [Between a People and Its
Land] (Buber), 213–214, 216, 233–239, 286n50
Ben-Gurion, David, 120n80, 241, 249n162, 279,
Ben-Hinnom, valley of, 120n63
Benjamin (“Rabbi”), 229
Benjamin, tribe of, 111, 155, 166
Benjamin, Walter, 6, 38, 56n124, 83, 261–264,
Bergmann, Hugo, 54n102, 227, 247n95, 283
Berkman, Alexander, 21
Bernstein, Eduard, 32
Between, the (das Zwischenmenschliche), 42
Between a People and Its Land (Buber), 213–214,
216, 233–239, 286n50
Biale, David, 256
Biblical Faith, The (Buber), 83, 124
biblical scholarship, 7–10, 126, 153, 157, 286
“Biblisches Führertum” [Biblical Leadership]
(Buber), 73
Biltmore Program, 216, 232
“binationalism,” 10, 216–218, 225, 232, 240
“biocratic constitution of modern life,” 252
biopolitics, 272–273
Birnbaum, Immanuel, 78–79n24
Black, Bob, 288n99
Bloch, Ernst, 6
Bloom, Harold, 175
Bnei Akiva [Children of Akiva], 215
Bodin, Jean, 170n4
Böhme, Jakob, 31
Bookchin, Murray, 267–268, 288n99
Breasted, James Henry, 128–129
Brenner, Michael, 217–218
brit, etymology of, 101–102. See also Sinai Cov-
Britain: Balfour Declaration, 57n150, 222–223,
227–228, 282; Gandhi and, 75; MB’s disap-
proval of, 193; in Palestine, 57n150, 193, 226–
229, 231–232, 247n99, 277, 282; White Paper
(1939), 226
Brit Shalom, 216–218, 223–229, 240, 247n85, 277–
279, 282. See also Arlosoroff, Chaim; Ruppin,
Arthur; Scholem, Gershom; Szold, Henrietta
Buber, Martin (MB) biographical, 263–264;
birth, early years, 27; education, early work,
27–28; move to Leipzig, 31; editor at Die Welt
(1901), 28; “Speeches on Judaism” (1909), 35;
gaining German citizenship (1921), 44; Uni-
versity of Frankfurt (1923–1933), 2, 7–9, 14n36,
72, 121n94. See also MB/GL relationship

Buber, Rafael, 28
Buber, Solomon, 27
Budde, Karl, 121n85
Bultmann, Rudolf, 258
Butler, Judith, 240, 249n160, 277, 279, 290n156

Calvin, John, 170n4
casuistic laws, 206n25
Catholic Center Party, 62
chanaf/chanifa, 237
charis, 67, 71, 87–89, 104–105, 116n17
chesed versus tzedek, 189–190
Chiapas, Mexico, 251, 268
child sacrifice, 99–101, 118n50, 207n53
China, 37, 129, 242n3
Christianity, 69, 235, 275
Clastres, Pierre, 266, 273–274, 289n141
Cohen, Arthur, 39
Cohen, Hermann, 5, 37–38, 39–40, 210n122
Cohen, Leonard, 264, 266
Collins, John J., 117n34
Coming One, The (Das Kommende), 84, 123–124,
152–153, 175, 178–179, 251
commissary dictatorship, 68–69
communism/communists: versus anarchists,
4–5, 269; Badiou on, 265; and binational
unions, 225; Brit Shalom and, 247n85; Ger-
man Communist Party (KPD), 37, 46; inter-
nationalist revolutionaries, 45; versus lib-
eralism, capitalism, 6; MB and, 41, 48, 266;
poststructuralist view of, 271; Proudhon and,
Concept of the Political (Schmitt), 68
concordat, 163, 172n43
cooperative settlement movement, 41, 54n86,
213, 219, 282
Corinthians, First Letter to the, 262–263
cosmotheism, 128
“covenant politics,” 192, 200
CrimethInc. Collective, 267–268
“Critique of Violence” (Benjamin), 272
Cyrus the Great, 202

Dan, tribe of, 111
Daniel (Buber), 37
Das, Chittaranjan, 77
dating of biblical materials, 85, 92–93, 109, 110–
111, 126, 210n115
Davar (newspaper), 228
David, King: anointed by Samuel, 182; as
“anointed of YHVH,” 166, 173n57; failures of,
74; “fallen hut of,” 189; House of, 109, 115, 151,
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