Martin Buber's Theopolitics

(Tina Sui) #1
Index | 309

153, 189; kingship of, 103; last words of, 182;
leadership passing to Israel from, 202; mes-
siah as king from house of, 194; Nathan as
court prophet for, 169; public sacrifice by, 183,
Dawn of Conscience, The (Breasted), 129
Day, Richard, 272
Deborah, Song of, 103, 105, 124, 161, 178, 180, 216
Debray, Régis, 127
Degania kvutza, 219–220, 278
deletions of scripture by MB, 156–158
Deleuze, Gilles, 272
“de-magicizing,” 119n58
de Montaigne, Michel, 34
Deutero-Isaiah, 178–179, 197, 200–205, 238–239,
Deuteronomy, book of, 131, 144, 153, 198, 236, 238
Die Diktatur [Dictatorship] (Schmitt), 68–69
Dilthey, Wilhelm, 52n62, 127
Dostoevsky, Fyodor, 69–70
Drei Reden (Buber), 31
Dreyfus, Theodore, 178
Dühring, Eugen, 24, 51n33
“Durch Absonderung zur Gemeinschaft”
[“Through Separation to Community”] (Lan-
dauer), 28–31
Durkheim, Émile, 97
Dzertshinsky, Felix, 48

eagle speech, 135
E and J documents, 92–93
Eckhart, Meister, 7, 29, 31
Egypt, 118nn43, 44; alliance with, 192, 194;
blessed with Nile River, 238; drowning of
Pharaoh’s army, 104, 133–135; Freud on, 125,
146n3; Josiah and, 199; MB on, 126, 128–134;
name magic in, 98; as rejected past, 127; re-
ligion of, 94–96, 128, 139; as start of civiliza-
tion, 128
Eisner, Kurt, 40–41, 43–45, 59n179, 79n24
Eissfeldt, Otto, 118n50
Ekstatische Confessionen [Ecstatic Confessions]
(Buber), 37
el, meaning of, 96–97
Eli, 160–161, 171n15
Elijah, 182–186, 188, 205n10, 207nn45, 46, 280
Elisha, 182, 185, 186
Ellis, Marc, 282
“Elohists,” 92, 122n107
emunah (Jewish faith), 260, 263, 287n61
“end of history” claims, 250–251
Enlightenment, 134, 252, 271–273

ephod, 108, 111, 160–161
Epistle to the Romans (Barth), 5, 37
Epstein, Yitzhak, 224
Erfahrung, 52n62
Erfurt Program, 23
“Erinnerung an einen Tod” [Recollection of a
Deat h], 48
Erlebnis, 30, 38–39, 52n62, 53n68, 59n187, 285n23
“ethical monotheism,” 188, 207n59
“European dualism,” 42
Eusebius, 128
Exodus, book of, 98, 99, 101, 103, 125, 127, 135,
Ezekiel, book of, 100, 178, 197, 200, 203
EZLN, 268
Ezra, book of, 201, 257

family/household gods, 181, 183–184
federalism, 3, 21, 130, 268
Feiwel, Berthold, 38, 229
fertility powers, 96, 184–185, 190, 207n42
First Aliyah, 219, 225, 277
first fruits, 131, 188, 192, 236
first messiah, 179, 182, 204
Flusser, David, 287nn61, 75
“folk life,” epochs, 90, 93
Forte-Kreis, 37
Foucault, Michel, 271–272, 289n124
fragment hypothesis, 154
Franco, Francisco, 271
Frazer, James George, 82
freedom, types of, 31, 141
Freie Volksbuhne (Free People’s Theater), 23–24
Freud, Sigmund, 119n58, 125, 146n3, 273
Friedländer, Benedikt, 24, 51n33
Friedman, Maurice, 14n32, 20, 22, 38
Fukuyama, Francis, 250
“Future, The” (Cohen), 264, 266

Gahelet, 215, 242
Gandhi, Mahatma, 4, 75–77, 231, 233, 240
“Gandhi, Politik, und Wir,” 75–76
Garnett, George, 170n4
Gastgeschenk, 283
Genesis, 101, 106, 130, 148n29, 207n53
German Communist Party (KPD), 37, 46,
German militarism, MB on, 56n122
German Sonderweg, 278
Der Gesalbte. See Anointed, The
Die Gesellschaft [Society] series (Buber), 7, 32–
33, 53n80, 79n29
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