Martin Buber's Theopolitics

(Tina Sui) #1

310 | Index

Gideon/Jerubbaal, 85, 89–91, 93, 105–112, 117n26,
121n88, 159, 162, 241
Gilbert, Martin, 217
Glatzer, Nahum, 291n158
global justice movement, 251, 268
Gnosis und spätantiker Geist (Jonas), 258
gnosticism, 252–254, 257–264, 267, 285n21
goals, MB on, 230–231
gods: choosing between, 78n20; “gods of the
way,” 180; as kings versus kings as gods, 82,
86, 94–95; mythic conflicts between, 118n51;
private, family, 181; Weber’s “polytheism,” 65,
God’s repentance, 208n65
Godwin, William, 21, 35
Gogarten, Friedrich, 62
Golden Bough, The (Frazer), 82
golden calf, 99, 136, 138–139, 143, 183
Goldman, Emma, 21
Goldmann, Nahum, 221
Gordon, A. D., 221, 245n62
Gordon, Adi, 217
Goren, Arthur A., 244n26
Graeber, David, 296
“great scattering,” 205
Great War (World War I), 6–7, 19, 22, 31, 37–39,
83, 222, 227, 279
Greece, 238, 268
Guevara, NietzsChe, 288n99
Gurian, Waldemar, 70
Gush Emunim settler movement, 215–216, 281
“Gustav Landauer” (Buber), 31–32

Habermas, Jürgen, 271, 293, 297n2
Habiru, 129–131, 148n29
Haggada, 235, 238
halakha, 79n28, 149n61, 235–236, 238, 291n158
Halevi, Yehuda, 248n140
Hamas, 281
Ha-Po’el ha-Mizrahi, 215
Ha’poel Ha’tzair, 221, 224
happening-to-be-true, 232
haram ash-Sharif, 227
Hart, Heinrich and Julius, 26–28
Hasidism: in 1 Samuel, 194; in Book of Hosea,
190; Buber-Scholem debate over, 14n34, 251,
253–256, 285n16; influence of MB’s studies on,
5, 35–36; versus institutions, 259; MB’s publi-
cations on, 2–3, 31–32, 35, 282, 300
Hattis, Susan Lee, 216–217
Hauerwas, Stanley, 293
Hazony, Yoram, 217

Hebrew University, 1, 8, 15n40, 56n124, 115n6, 178
Hegel, G. W. F., 117n39, 259, 263, 280
Der Heilige Weg (Buber), 7, 20, 40–43, 72, 114
Hempel, Johannes, 118n44
henotheism, 99
Herodotus, 238
Hertzberg, Arthur, 215
Herzl, Theodor, 13n21, 28, 31, 215–216, 227, 241,
243n18, 284
Hess, Moses, 286n50
Hezekiah, 194, 197–198
“A Hidden Question” (Epstein), 224
hierocracy, 88, 94–95, 116n22, 160–163, 294
hījra, 180, 206n19
Hirsch, Emanuel, 6, 45
Histadrut, 59n186, 225, 279, 282
historical-critical method, 91, 96, 117n39
History of Zionism (Laqueur), 217
Hitachdut Ha’poel Ha’tzair v’Tzeirei Tzion, 221
Hobbes, Thomas, 69–70, 77, 171n4, 275
holiness, 42, 191–192, 195, 208n77, 234, 254, 280
“holy dissatisfaction” within Judaism, 36
“holy event” (Heiliges Ereignis), 180
holy war, 93, 103
Holy Way, The (Buber), 7, 20, 40–43, 72, 114
Horkheimer, Max, 271
Horrox, James, 232, 277–278
Hosea, book of, 108, 175, 178, 182, 185, 187, 189–
191, 208n64
household/family gods, 181, 183–184
Huntington, Samuel, 250
Hyksos, 130–132

I and Thou [Ich und Du] (Buber), 2, 5, 7–8, 19,
72–73, 119n60, 214
Ichud/Ihud (Unity), 216, 232, 240, 296–297, 350
Idea for a Universal History... (Kant), 1
Idel, Moshe, 258
idolatry, 98–101, 107–108, 127, 149nn52, 55, 184,
186, 281
if not now, when?, 282
Immanuel, 193–194, 196
indigenous Indians, 268
indignados (Spain), 251, 268
individuality doctrine, 200–203
“invisible church,” Kant’s, 122n113
invisible government, 112
invisible king, 104, 115, 128, 132, 139, 162, 185
Iroquois League, 290n141
Isaac, binding of, 101, 207n53
Isaiah, prophecy of, 81, 175, 191, 214, 238–239
Islam, 227–228, 275, 281, 294
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