Martin Buber's Theopolitics

(Tina Sui) #1
Index | 311

Israel (Shapira), 218
Israel/people of Israel: active suffering of, 204;
as blessing to region, 238–239; divine king-
ship as unique to, 84; election of as honor, 188;
as “first fruits,” 188; as historical and transh-
istorical, 125; from Israelites to Jews, 176; lack
of river in, 238; MB on future state, 41, 114;
MB’s acceptance of State of, 241–242; Micaiah
ben Imlah’s prophecy, 185–186; monarchy of,
42–43; nucleus of faithful within, 204; as ob-
ligated to suffer, 210n122; as the “servant” in
prophecies, 203; and the theo-political, 2; and
Third Messiah, 197; unfaithful murmurings
of, 136–138, 190; YHVH as m-l-k of, 97–98; as
“YHVH’s people,” 180
Istiqlal (Independence) Party, 228
I-Thou relationship, 3, 119n60, 132, 292

Jabotinsky, Vladimir, 55n106, 252
Jacob/Israel, 108, 145, 177, 184, 210n123, 281
J and E documents, 92–93
Jefferson, Thomas, 295
Jehu, 186, 207n46
Jephtha/Jephthah, 105, 162
Jeremiah, book of, 99, 169–170, 176–178, 183, 190,
197–200, 237, 257, 259
Jeroboam I, 138, 151, 183, 206n38
Jeroboam II, 187
Jerubbaal. See Gideon/Jerubbaal
Jerusalem, 104, 190, 192–193, 206n38, 208n79,
214–216, 227–228, 261
Jesus, 47, 69–70, 258, 260, 264, 287n61, 294
Jewish National Fund, 224–225, 246n75
“Jewish will to realization,” 41
Jezebel, 184, 207n42
Job, 197, 200, 210n115
Jonah, 208n65
Jonas, Hans, 258
Josephus, 261
Joshua, book of, 87–88, 103–105, 109, 125, 139,
144, 180–181, 183–184
Josiah, 198–200, 209n104
Jotham, 111–112, 122n116, 169
Jubilee, 36, 55n106, 148nn36, 37, 295–296
Judah, 186, 189–190, 192, 198–199, 202
Judaism/Jews: approaching identity with Zi-
onism, 281; GL’s interest in, 36; as a histori-
cal religion, 102; as renegades, 40; renewal
(Erneuerung) of, 35–36; as a struggle over
time, 256; transhistorical interpretation of,
81; “used to being counted” (MB), 56n129. See
also Israel/people of Israel; Palestine

Der Jude (journal), 38, 56n124, 57n145
“Das Judentum und die wahre Gemeinschaft”
[Judaism and True Community] (Buber), 40
Judenzählung, 56n129
Judges, Book of, 84, 89, 93, 106, 158; dating of,
108, 110; editorial conflicts within, 113; hy-
pothesized antimonarchical book within,
121–122n105; Jotham fable, 111–112; in King-
ship of God, 109–114; tribe of Benjamin’s ab-
duction of women, 111
Jungen (Young Ones), 23–25, 51n32

Kalevala (Buber), 37
Kalvarisky, Haim, 229
Kant, Immanuel, 1, 27, 29, 122n113, 271
Kantorowicz, Ernst, 273, 275
Kapp Putsch, 68
Kariba-ilu Watar, 102
katargesis, 263
Katznelson, Berl, 224, 282
Kautsky, Karl, 23
Kaveny, Cathleen, 293
Kavka, Martin, 7
Kedar, Aharon, 227–228
Keller, Gottfried, 44
Kepnes, Steven, 275
Keren Hayesod, 229
Kharijite sect, 117n26
kibbush avodah [conquest of labor], 223–225
kibbutzim, 277–279; Ben-Gurion and, 279; as
colonial enterprise, 278; common principles
of, 219–220, 282; Horrox on, 277–278; largely
secular, 244n44; MB on, 232, 241–242, 268;
network of to replace state, 220; To ra h v a -
Avodah (Torah and labor), 215
Kimmerling, Baruch, 10
kinesis, MB on, 285n23
King, Karen, 285n21
kingdom-dialectic (Reichsdialektik), 90–91
Kingdom of Fulfillment (Landauer), 27–28
kingship of God, 82, 84; and duties of kings,
290n143; emergence of, 101; historical mem-
ory of as critical, 91, 274; as historical para-
dox, 90; king as god versus god as king, 82,
86, 94–95; Moses’ acceptance of, 102; rejected
by Israelites, 156–157
Kingship of God [Königtum Gottes] (Buber),
1–2, 114–115; Abraham to Moses, 101–103;
“anarcho-theocracy” in, 81, 87; Ancient Is-
rael in context, 93–96; critical reception of,
85–86, 152; faith of Israel, 98–101; Gideon’s
refusal of kingship, 89–90, 105–109; Holy Way
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