Martin Buber's Theopolitics

(Tina Sui) #1

312 | Index

as precursor to, 114; Jews demanding earthly
king, 42–43; Judges, 109–114; Leviticus, 133;
MB arguing for historicity, 43; Moses to Josh-
ua, 103–105; and Political Theology (Schmitt),
82–83; Reichsdialektik, 237; Solomon as false
king, 86–87; textual evidence for, 91–92; “the-
ocracy” in, 255; theopolitical thesis of, 72–73,
85–93; West Semitic tribal god, 96–97; YHVH
as king/m-l-k of Israel, 86, 94, 97–98
“kingship ordinance,” 194, 207n53
kings/monarchy, 42–43; assuming military
command, 204; becoming hereditary, 151; Bi-
ble on, 153; brought on by fear and weakness,
274; human origins of, 275; as institution, 82;
MB on, 153, 286n40; people’s demands for,
152, 163, 176; as regent for god, 95; Samuel’s
warnings about, 152–153; secularization of, 183
Kohn, Hans, 2, 56n132, 229–230, 235, 248n114,
283, 299
Das Kommende [The Coming One], 84, 123–124,
152–153, 175, 178–179, 251
Kook, Rav Abraham Isaac, 215–216, 280–281,
Kook, Zvi Yehuda, 215, 241, 281
Korach’s revolt, 137–138, 140–143, 188
Koren, Israel, 13n22
Kracauer, Siegfried, 15n50
Kriegserlebnis/Kriegsbuber, 37–38
Kropotkin, Peter, 31, 33–34, 49n9, 50n16, 53n72,
245n49, 269
Kuhn, Gabriel, 51n44, 59n177
Kulturpolitik/Kulturkritik, 28, 39
kvutzot, 219–220, 278

La Boétie, Étienne de, 34–35, 41, 122n115
Labor (Zionist faction), 226–227, 242
Lacan, Jacques, 272
Lachmann, Hedwig, 22, 31
land, ownership of, 132–133
Landauer, Gustav (GL) biography: birth, early
years, 23; early works of, 24; arrest, impris-
onment (1893), 25; expulsions from socialist
meetings, 25; imprisoned for libel (1899), 22,
26–27, 50n19; early works of, 24; to London,
Bromley, 31; “isolation” period, 26; return to
public activity (1908), 36; supporting revolu-
tion in Bavaria (1918), 40–41, 43–46; capture,
assassination of (1919), 19, 24, 46, 59n179;
grave obelisk destroyed, 47; Nietzsche’s influ-
ence on, 27
Landauer, Lotte, 47

Laqueur, Walter, 217
Lassalle, Ferdinand, 23, 28
Lazier, Benjamin, 253
League for Jewish-Arab Rapprochement, 216,
L e b e n d i g To t [Living Dead] (Landauer), 31
Lebovic, Nitzan, 175
Die Legende des Baalshem (Buber), 35–36, 282
Leitwort method, 106–107, 154–156, 167, 171n17
Lenin, Vladimir, 265, 269
Leviné, Eugen, 60n189
Leviticus, book of, 133, 192
Liberal Zionism, 239–240, 278
Lichtenstein, Aharon, 215–216
Liebknecht, Karl, 37, 47
Liebknecht, Wilhelm, 23
“lifestyle,” 267, 288n99
Living Dead [L e b e n d i g To t] (Landauer), 31
Lloyd, Vincent W., 12n11
Locke, John, 132, 240, 275
“Die Losung” [The Watchword] (Buber), 38
Löwy, Michael, 36, 55n108
Luther, Martin, 34
Luxemburg, Rosa, 45, 47
Lyotard, Jean-François, 271–272

Machiavelli, 63, 290n143
Magnes, Judah, 1–2, 55n120, 56n124, 215, 217,
226–227, 232, 244n26
Maimonides, 148n41
malk relationship, 96–98, 118nn50–51, 119nn56,
Manasseh, 197–198, 200
Mandel, Neville, 223
Mapai, 221, 279
Marshall, Peter, 20
Marx, Karl, 50n24, 244n46, 257, 259, 263, 269,
Masken journal, 47, 56n121
Mauss, Marcel, 132
Mauthner, Fritz, 7, 28, 34, 46, 59n181
May, Todd, 272
MB/GL relationship, 4; MB attending GL lec-
ture, 28–30; MB early works on GL, 30–32;
GL on MB as “apostle of Judaism” (1913), 37;
prewar, 39; GL denouncing MB’s war politics
(1918), 19–20, 37–38; MB concern over GL ac-
tivism, 43; MB eulogy for GL, 47, 49; MB ex-
ecutor of GL literary estate, 47–48
McCormick, John P., 115n5
medieval period, 33, 98, 148n41, 273
Meier-Cronemeyer, Hermann, 20–21

Kingship of God (continued)

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