Martin Buber's Theopolitics

(Tina Sui) #1
Index | 313

melukha [kingship], 153, 159, 164, 166–168, 173n50
Mendelssohn, Moses, 9, 149–150n65
Mendes-Flohr, Paul, 1–2, 19–20, 22, 30, 38–39,
42, 49n6, 52n62, 214, 282
Mer-Khamis, Juliano, 290–291n156
Messianic Idea in Judaism (Scholem), 254
“Messianic Mystery, The” (Buber), 178–179
messianism, 252–258; duties of messiah, 194; first
messiah, 179–182; following failure of monar-
chy, 274; gnosticism, 252–254; of MB and Kook,
280; MB on “messianic” politics, 73; origin of
in Israel, 83; Scholem’s rejection of, 258; second
messiah, 182–189, 194; secularization of, 251;
Taubes on MB’s, 259; third messiah, 197–203
Meyer, Eduard, 130
Micah, 111, 119n55, 178, 197–199
Micaiah ben Imlah, 182, 185–186, 195
Michels, Robert, 66
micropolitics, 251, 271–272
miracles, 133–134, 137, 148n40, 158, 180, 193
Mishnah, 236
mishpat ha-melekh/“law of the king,” 152, 164,
167, 173n50, 52
m-l-k (Semitic root), 94, 96–97
Mohilever, Samuel, 215
Mommsen, Hans, 61, 65
Mommsen, Wolfgang, 64
Monarchomach treatises, 275
monarchy. See kings/monarchy
Moret, Alexandre, 118n43
Morris, Benny, 218, 223
Moses: as an Egyptian, 146n3; asking for God’s
name, 98; functions/role of, 101–103, 143–146;
institutions ordained by, 180–181, 132–133; and
Jeremiah, 176; as a militant, 125; and Paul, 261;
response to idolatry, 149n55; scholarship on,
125; speech problem of, 145–146; vision of for
Israel, 128; wagering on Israelites, 143
Moses and Monotheism (Freud), 125, 146n3
moshavot system, 223, 225, 277
Muhammad, 206n19
Mühsam, Erich, 4, 13nn16–17, 36, 46
Mutual Aid (Kropotkin), 33

Nachgeborenen (late born), 282
Nachman (Rabbi), 32, 35, 54n104
Nag Hammadi, 285n21
nagid “prince,” 154–155, 166
Nathan, 153, 169, 174n71
Naumann, Friedrich, 79n24
navi/nevi’im (prophet, ‘pronouncer’), 105, 179;
as anointer of nagid, 166; and en-avi joke,

173n62; Nathan as, 169; power of, 168, 176;
Samuel as, 159–161, 164, 169, 204; Saul as, 166;
as verifier and admonisher, 169
Nazis/Nazism, 2–3, 47, 73, 82, 123, 172n43, 263
Nehemiah, 201
Neue Freie Volksbuhne, 23–24
Neue Gemeinschaft (New Community), 19, 22,
26–28, 30, 36
Neues Leben (newspaper), 26
new covenant, 190, 199, 200
Newman, Saul, 272
Nicholas of Cusa, 31
Nietzsche, Friedrich, 23, 26–29, 50n26, 178, 252,
270–272, 275
nomadic societies/religion, 129–133, 136, 162, 180,
Noth, Martin, 171n6, 180
Novak, David, 294, 297n10
November Revolution, 4, 6, 56n121, 220

obedience to God, 113, 114, 192, 232
O’Brien, Conor Cruise, 217
Occupy Wall Street, 251, 268, 296
“official scholarship,” MB and, 7–8
Olson, Dennis T., 121–122n105
Omer, Atalia, 240
“One God, no masters,” 112
One Palestine, Complete (Segev), 218
“On the Concept of History” (Benjamin), 263
ontology, 3, 64, 214
On Zion (Ben Am Le-Artzo), 216, 233–239,
Oppenheimer, Franz, 32, 54n86, 79n29, 274, 278
oral traditions, 102, 110, 116n15, 121n91, 126, 154,
172n27, 176
“original constant” of Jewish folk life, 90
Ottoman Land Law (1858), 246n71

Palestine: Biltmore Program (1942), 232; as Is-
lamic waq f, 281; land acquisition, evictions
of Arabs, 224–225; logic of conflict persists,
276; Palestine Mandate, 222; Palestinian Ar-
abs, 216, 232, 235, 243n22, 279; “Palestinian”
terminology, 243n22; Peel Commission’s
partition plan, 216; threat of Jewish majority
in, 226–227, 229, 240–241. See also Arabs of
Palestine Land Development Company, 216, 224
Pannekoek, Anton, 45
“paradox of theocracy,” 88–89
Parecon (participatory economics), 267
Das Parlament (von Gerlach), 32
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