Martin Buber's Theopolitics

(Tina Sui) #1

314 | Index

partition, 216, 218, 226
“part-souls of the world-soul,” 29
Passover, 181, 239
Paths in Utopia (Buber), 20–22, 232, 251, 257–
258, 268–271
Paul, 258–261, 264
Peterson, Erik, 67
Phenomenology of Spirit (Hegel), 259
Philistines, 113, 158, 160–163, 168, 174n67
philosophy of dialogue, 3, 214, 295
pistis (Greek faith), 260, 287n61
Plato, 63, 264
Podhoretz, Norman, 286n32
Polish migrant workers, 64–65
Political Romanticism (Schmitt), 68
political theology, 3–6, 12n11, 62; of Eusebius
of Caesarea, 128; realpolitik as, 89, 114; and
Schmitt, 69–70; of sovereignty, 273–275;
versus theopolitics, 3, 71, 85, 114, 234, 266,
281, 290n143; uses of term, 12n11; Weber on,
64–67; of Weimar Republic, 5–6, 10. See also
Schmitt, Carl
Political Theology (Schmitt), 69–70
Politik als Beruf/“Politics as a Vocation” (We-
ber), 63, 87
Polzin, Robert, 171n5
“post-secularism,” “postleftist,” etc., 251
poststructuralism, 251, 264, 271–272, 275
power, 40, 55n116; from noncoercive to coercive,
273–274; of powers, 193
Preacher of Death (Landauer), 31
priesthood, 144, 159–160, 176, 182; judges as
separate role from, 144. See also navi/nevi’im
“primitive-prophetic” personality type, 105, 113
primitive theocracy, 85, 107, 109, 113, 162
Das Proletariat (Sombart), 32
“propaganda by the deed,” 25, 72
Prophetic Faith, The (Buber), 175–176, 197; defi-
nition of theopolitics in, 191; on Deutero-Isa-
iah, 259; on the first messiah, 179–182; histori-
cal context of prophets, 176; methodology and
structure, 176–179; “parts” of, 178, 205n14; on
the second messiah, 182–183
prophets/prophecy, 93; becoming unchange-
able, 201; of birth of Immanuel, 196; border of
with priesthood, 200; connection of to kings,
153; court prophets, 105, 169, 176, 183, 186, 192,
197, 207n50; distinguishing true from false,
177; failure of the, 264; freedom to accept or
reject, 194; loyalty of the, 43; power of, 198;
as prediction, 186; progressive despair of,
196; “prophetic ‘if,’” end of, 199; “prophetic”
versus apocalyptic, 186–187, 257; “prophet of

doom,” Amos as, 188; protest prophecy, 182;
role of, 182–183; of salvation, hiding of, 196
Proudhon, Pierre-Joseph, 268–269
Psalm 73, 197

“The Question to the Single One” (Buber), 67

racialism, contrasted forms of, 30–31, 126–127
Ragaz, Leonhard, 62, 73
rain, prayer for, 236–238
Rang, Florens Christian, 83
Rashkover, Randi, 293
Ratzabi, Shalom, 279
Ravitzky, Aviezer, 276, 281
Rawls, John, 293
“realist,” MB’s use of term, 206n30
“realist-political” movement, 181
Rebbe, Gurer, 280
Recollection of a Death (“Erinnerung an einen
To d ” ), 4 8
redaction of Book(s) of Judges, 109–114
“Redeemer of Israel,” 201
“red terror of God,” 125
regicide, 290n143
Das Reich der Erfüllung (Landauer), 27–28
Reichsdialektik (kingdom-dialectic), 90–91, 96,
Reines, R. Isaac Jacob, 216
Die Religion (Simmel), 32
religious anarchism, 4, 242, 253–254, 257–258
religious existentialism, 5, 254
religious socialism, 62–63
remnant, 187, 189, 191–195, 200–203
renewal, 142, 276
Revelation, Book of, 257
Revisionism, 225–228, 230, 252, 280, 284
Die Revolution (Landauer), 32, 33–35, 47, 274
revolution as ongoing, 30, 270
Rhodokanakis, Nikolaus, 95
Righteous Victims (Morris), 218
Rocker, Rudolf, 21, 53n72
Roman Catholicism and Political Form
(Schmitt), 69
Roman Empire, 128, 274
Romans, Epistle to the, 152, 258, 262–263
Rorty, Richard, 293, 298n12
Rosenzweig, Franz, 5–9 (passim), 13n23, 43, 61,
83, 178–179, 255–256, 272–273
Rost, Leonhard, 174n71
Rothschild, Baron de, 219, 277
Ruhr Uprising, 68
Ruppin, Arthur, 216–217, 219, 224–226, 228–229,
244n26, 278
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