Martin Buber's Theopolitics

(Tina Sui) #1
Index | 315

Sabbath, 181
Sabbatical year, 133, 237
Sachar, Howard, 217
sagas, 126
Said, Edward, 244n46
Samson, 105, 160, 173n49
Samuel, First Book of, 42, 113, 155–161, 233;
anointing of Saul, 165–167; attempt to form
dynasty, 162; dating of text of, 152; and Jer-
emiah, 176; MB’s analysis of, 153–158; as navi,
shofet, or kohen, 159–160; people’s demand
for a king, 152–153, 163–164; rise of Samuel,
158–159. See also Das Kommende
Santner, Eric, 252, 272–273, 275
SAPD (Sozialistische Arbeiterpartei Deutsch-
lands), 23, 50n24
Satan, 145
satyagraha (truth-force), 231
Saul, 109, 151–159, 161, 165–169, 174n67, 185
Schaeder, Grete, 219
Schatz-Uffenheimer, Rivka, 253
Scheimann, Richard, 116nn10, 15, 117nn24, 29,
Schmidt, Christoph, 3, 67, 175
Schmitt, Carl, 3, 9, 14n28, 79nn26, 29, 32, 35; on
enemies, 107; joining Nazi party, 82–83; on
liberalism, 292; on Paul, 261; political theol-
ogy of, 6, 12n11, 61–64, 66–72, 82–83, 114n40;
quoting Weber, 80n35; state of exception,
scholar, MB as a, 7–9
scholarship: biblical, 7–10, 126, 153, 157, 286; on
MB, 2–3, 20–22; on Moses, 125; on political
t heolog y, 3–5
Scholem, Gershom, 13n21, 147n12, 175, 216, 252–
258, 261–262, 266; on apocalyptic messian-
ism, 260; criticisms of MB by, 283, 285n23
Schwarzschild, Steven, 2, 4, 56nn124, 129
Scott, James, 148n25
Seattle, “battle in,” 251
Second Aliyah, 219, 224–225, 277, 279
Second Commonwealth, 58n156, 175, 187, 201,
205, 274
Second Council Republic, 46
second messiah, 182–189, 204
secularization, 241, 251, 273, 284n4
sedentary versus nomadic societies, 129–133, 136
Segev, Tom, 217–218
segula, 135
Sellin, Ernest, 146n3
Senator, David Werner, 226
“servant, suffering,” 202–203
servitude as habit, 35

Sethe, Kurt, 118n43
settler colonialism, 240, 252, 276–279
shafat and shoftim, 155–156
Shafir, Gershon, 10–11, 225, 277–278
Shapira, Anita, 218, 228
Shear-Yashuv (“a remnant shall return”), 192
Shechem, 104, 112, 180–181, 183–184
Shema prayer, 116n15
Shirata, Mekhilta, 252
Simmel, Georg, 32
Simon, Ernst, 215, 226, 283
Sinai covenant, 1–2; “covenant politics,” 192; as
first step, 89; God restricting own freedom,
141; individuals replacing community, 200;
and Israel as holy people, 180; and Joshua
event, 181; as Moses’ mission, 135; as recipro-
cal act, 101–102; replaced by Messianic prom-
ise, 180; singularity of, 120n76; as “theo-polit-
ical act,” 2, 86, 102, 120n76; twofold, 187. See
also Ark of the Covenant
Skepsis und Mystik [Skepticism and Mysticism]
(Landauer), 28
Sloterdijk, Peter, 127
SMC (Supreme Muslim Council), 227–228,
s’mikha (laying on of hands), 120n62
Smilansky, Moshe, 224
social democracy versus anarchism, 279
socialism, 17, 74–75, 225, 242, 271, 275
social justice, 6; and Ahab, 185; early ideas of,
129; over cultic propriety, 199; prophets and,
183, 198–199; and righteousness duality, 188;
social ecology, 267; and voluntary action, 10,
214; YHVH enforcement of, 185
“Society and the State” (Buber), 20
Solomon, King, 86–87, 103, 116n15, 151, 169, 183,
Solomon’s Temple, 103, 138, 140
Soloveitchik, Yitzhak Ze’ev ha-Levi, 276
Sombart, Werner, 32, 54n85
Song of the Sea, 103, 120nn76–77, 134
“son of man,” 210n118
sound of truth, 196
source criticism, 85, 92, 110, 117n34, 176
source hypothesis, 154
South Africa, 231
South Arabian religion, 94–96, 118nn46–47
Soviet Union, 251, 271
Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands (SPD),
23–25, 37, 46, 51nn32–34, 172n44
Sozialist, Der (newspaper), 7, 22, 24–26, 36,
53n75, 55n114
Sozialist Bund, 36, 37, 53
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