Martin Buber's Theopolitics

(Tina Sui) #1

316 | Index

Sozialistische Arbeiterpartei Deutschlands
(SAPD), 23, 50n24
Spartacus, 47–48, 58n170
“Speeches on Judaism” (Buber), 30–31, 35, 38, 42,
53n80, 256
Sperber, Manes, 245n49
Spinoza, Baruch, 70, 153
Der Staat (Oppenheimer), 32, 54n86, 79n29, 274
Stalin compared to Paul, 264
Stapel, Wilhelm, 9, 62, 72
Star of Redemption (Rosenzweig), 255, 272–273
Stein, Leslie, 225
Stirner, Max, 24, 35
Stout, Jeffrey, 268, 285n8
Strauss, Leo, 3, 5, 65, 67, 79n30
Der Streik (Bernstein), 32
Strong, Tracy, 70
Stroumsa, Guy, 8, 13n22, 14n38, 15n41
“suffering servant,” 178, 202–204, 210n123, 259
Sumerians, 82, 129
Susman, Margarete, 46, 58n170
Susser, Bernard, 3, 49n9
“symmetrical counter-concepts,” 64
Szold, Henrietta, 216

Ta’a nit , 236
Tales of Rabbi Nachman, The (Buber), 32, 35,
Tanner, Klaus, 61–62
Ta n zi mat , 2 46n7 1
Taubes, Jacob, 258–262, 286nn49–50, 287n64
Taylor, Charles, 293
teacher, MB as, 9–10
Temple, 97, 199, 227
terminology as destiny, 21
teshuva (“return”), 179, 266
Tetragrammaton, 98, 189
thawra [the Arab Revolt], 226, 231
theocracy, 95, 159, 168
“Theological-Political Fragment” (Benjamin),
theopolitical history of Israel, 175–176. See also
Prophetic Faith, The
“Theopolitical Hour, The,” 191
“theopolitical” turn, The Holy Way signaling, 43
“theopolitical Zionism,” 214
theopolitics, 1–5; defined in The Prophetic Faith,
191–192; Gideon’s refusal of kingship, 105–109;
historical, intellectual contexts of, 5–7; MB
proposed project on, 2; MB’s goal for Jews re-
garding, 115; misunderstandings of covenant,

140; versus political theology, 3, 64, 67, 85, 114,
266, 281, 290n143; Western splitting of, 82
Third Aliyah, 219
third messiah, 197–204
Thon, Jacob, 228
“Those Anarcho-Punks Are Mysterious.. .”
(Against Me!), 269
“Three Theses on Religious Socialism” (Buber),
“Through Separation to Community” (Lan-
dauer), 28–31
Thureau-Dangin, Francois, 118n44
Tillich, Paul, 62
Time That Remains, The (Agamben), 263
Der Todesprediger [Preacher of Death] (Lan-
dauer), 31
Toller, Ernst, 66, 78n21, 296
Tolstoy, Leo, 4, 26, 35, 71, 254, 258
Torah, 116n15, 137, 187–188, 207n53, 215, 281
tower and stockade (chomah u-migdal) strategy,
translation as political, 15n50
“Trito-Isaiah,” 210n116
Trumpeldor, Joseph, 245n49
“Turning to the Future,” 186
Two Types of Faith (Buber), 251, 260, 262
tyranny as a fire, 35

Uganda, 216
U la r, A lexa nder, 32
uncircumcision, 145
unclassifiability, 27–28
“unconditionedness” of God, 98–99
United Republics of Germany and Their Consti-
tution (Die vereinigten Republiken Deutsch-
lands und ihre Verfassung), 220
universal god concept, 128
universalism, GL on, 220–221, 271
universal revelation, 195
universal salvation, 188
Urban, Martina, 215, 252
Urukagina of Lagash, 102
Ussishkin, Menachem, 246n75
utopia/utopianism: and anarchy, 113; and Bu-
ber’s translation of Bible, 283; Clastres and,
273; GL and, 221, 269–270; Herzl and, 284;
and I-Thou relation, 3; Kepnes and, 275; MB
on “theological utopia,” 81, 118n45, 133; and
“philosophy of dialogue,” 3; and realism, 257;
Schmitt and, 71; Weber and, 66, 71. See also
Paths in Utopia (Buber)
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