Martin Buber's Theopolitics

(Tina Sui) #1
Index | 317

Van der Leeuw, Gerardus, 300n2
van Eeden, Frederik, 56n121
Die vereinigten Republiken Deutschlands und
ihre Verfassung (United Republics of Ger-
many and Their Constitution), 220
Verweltlichung (“world-ing”), 95, 118n47
violence: GL opposition to, 25–26; MB views on,
voluntary action, 10, 270
Volz, Paul, 149n42
Vom Geist des Judentums (Landauer), 31
von Egidy, Moritz, 22
von Gerlach, Hellmut, 32, 54n86
von Rad, Gerhard, 119n56, 149n42

Walzer, Michael, 1, 290n143
War on Terror, 250
Watchword, The [“Die Losung”] (Buber), 38
A Way to the Liberation of the Working Class
(Landauer), 24
Weber, Max, 5, 7, 63–67, 71, 78n20, 87, 102,
117n39, 296
Weimar Republic, 13n19; Jews during, 62; and
Kingship of God, 82; liberal rejection of, 62;
MB and, 5–6, 61; and November Revolution,
6; political theology of, 5–6, 10; Schmitt and,
82, 115n5; Weber and, 64; “Weimar moment,” 5
Weise, Wilhelm, 24
Weizmann, Chaim, 38, 216, 226
Wellhausen, Julius, 91, 107–109, 117n34
Weltsch, Robert, 2, 283
We rk e (Buber), 116n10, 151
Western distinction between “theo” and “poli-
tics,” 82
West Semitic tribal god, 96–97
“Whig interpretation of history,” 278
White Terror, 46
Wille, Bruno, 23
Wirklichkeitzionismus [“Zionism of reality”],
10, 214
“without domination,” 35, 41, 49, 258
wolf dwelling with lamb, 194–195
Woodcock, George, 20
“world-ing” (Verweltlichung), 95
World War I. See Great War
World Zionist Organization, 277

Yaari, Meir, 245n49
yamim acharim [“lateness of the days”], 195
YHVH: exclusive kingship of, 106; versus
household gods, 184; as ishi of Israel, 190;

Israel as “YHVH’s people,” 134, 180; Israelite
conception of, 94; as king of Israel, 203; as
leader/judge of all nations, 187; as lord of his-
tory, 202; losing earthly powers to kings, 183;
as m-l-k of Israel, 97–98; not a war-god, 103;
worshipped as idol, 186, 281
yoke of heaven, 136
Yorck von Wartenberg, Paul, 127
Young Worker, The (Ha’poel Ha’tzair), 221

Zank, Michael, 8, 13n22, 15n40
Zapatistas, 251, 268
Zebah and Zalmunna, 108
Zeus, 238
Ziethen, Albert, 22
Zionism: always a colonial enterprise, 278; ap-
proaching identity with Judaism, 281; Brit
Shalom rejecting sovereignty aims, 223;
cultural/social versus political, 214–216,
221; early land purchases, 22; GL criticism
of, 220–221; importance of immigration to,
226; Kohn criticism of, 229; land purchases
as morally innocent, 223; and lessons from
the dead, 209n96; MB’s disagreements with,
193, 277, 283–284; as morally obligatory or
proscribed, 276; as political or religious, 239,
280–282; possibility of joint front with Ar-
abs, 291n166; post-Zionism versus religious
Zionism, 280–282; self-empowerment versus
waiting, 159; turning-point dates, 278; Twelfth
Zionist Congress, 221; Yitzhak Epstein’s criti-
cism of, 224
Zionism (Brenner), 217–218
Zionism of MB, 10–11, 283; binationalism, 216,
219, 226; demand for monarchy a turning
point, 42–43; early interest, 28; as example to
world, 214; ideal of true community, 42; MB’s
definition, 219–220, 234; mission of the Jews,
234–235; as “post-” or “anti-”Zionist, 240; as
project, 41–42; rejecting Balfour Declaration,
222–223, 282; rejecting political/religious
Zionism, 40, 216; as theopolitics in action,
213–214; transposing values from Germany to
Zion, 41–42
Zionist Idea, The (Hertzberg), 215
Zipporah, 145
Žižek, Slavoj, 264, 266, 272
Zvi, Shabbetai, 260
Zwiegespräch [dialectic], 90, 117n29
das Zwischenmenschliche (Between), 42
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