The Routledge Handbook of Consciousness

(vip2019) #1

synesthesia 323, 330–3
Sytsma, J. 465, 470–2

tactile experiences 324–5
taxonomy, post-comatose disorders 358–9
taxonomy question 366; unity of consciousness
Tegmark, Max 88
the simple view, personal identity 13
theories of consciousness 450–2
Theravada Buddhist 442, 446n8
theravada Buddhist, meditation 438
Thersites 13
Thompson, Evan 208–9, 211, 439–40
thought 28–9
thought insertion 341
Threat Simulation Theory 198
threshold interpretation 32
Tibetan Buddhist, Open Presence 439
time see also memory; conscious unity relations
369–71; elementary time scale 305
time scales 305–6
tip-of-the-tongue (TOT) states 125
togetherness 373
Tononi, G. 126, 127, 130, 144, 146–7, 192,
373, 451
top-down attention 167–8
topic-neutral terms 42
TOT (tip-of-the-tongue) states 125
touch 324–5
Tourette’s syndrome 341
TP (Transitivity Principle) 109–10
traditional memory theory, problems for 288–9
traits 380
transcendental subjectivity 100–2
transcendental unity of apperception 33
transitive consciousness 2
Transivity Principle (TP) 109–10
transparency of experience 108
transplant cases, personal identity 17
transplant intuition 17
tripartite conception 371
Tse, Peter 254–5
Turing, A. 261, 410, 411
Turing machines 410
two-slit experiment 219, 222
Tye, Michael 3, 108–9, 288, 440
Tyndall, John 64
Type A Materialism 46–7
Type B Materialists 47
Type C Materialism 46
Type-Identity Theory 41–3
types of dualism 51–4

Udayana 93, 96
Uddyotakara 96
Uhlmann, E. L. 86

Unbrokenism 439
uncertainty principle 218
unconscious emotions 315–19
unified fields 373
unilateral neglect 165
unity 33
unity of consciousness 189, 366–75;
dualism 61–2
universal Turing machines 410
unresponsive wakefulness syndrome 351
Upanisads 94
Upanishads 208–9
updating conscious events 132
uploading 18–20
upward-looking explanations, BR (Biological
Realism) 194
urge 84

Vaisesika 97
validation, post-comatose disorders 357–9
Varela, Francesco, 211, 241, 305
Vatsyayana 96
Vedanta, Advaita 94–5
Vegetative State (VS) 351
verbal report 133
Veres, C. 469
Verschränkung 219
vicarious dreams 426
vijnana 98
virtual reality (VR), dreams 427–8
vision 326, 330
visual agnosia 342
visual features 131
visual object recognition 163–4; unilateral
neglect 165
visual-auditory binding 325
viva voce 411
Vogeley, K. 117
volitional consciousness 87–9
voluntary reports of conscious events 132–3
von Neumann, J. 220–1, 410
von Neumann-Wigner approach 221
VR (virtual reality), dreams 427–8
VS (Vegetative State) 351–2

wakefulness 450
waking self, dreams 426
wave function: active information 223–6;
collapse of 220–1
wave-particle duality 218
weakly phenomenally embodied states 424
Wegner, Daniel 78, 466
Weinberg, Shelley 30
Weisberg, J. 113
Wendt, Alexander 221
Western philosophy 24–32
what-it-is-likeness of emotion 311–12
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