Computer Arts

(Martin Jones) #1

Culture spring 2017


FFSET Dublin kicked
off this year’s creative
calendar with a lively
line-up of speakers and busy
schedule of industry-related
discussion and debate. Graphic
designer Mirko Borsche type
expert Bruno Maag illustrator
Marion Deuchars and film title
pro Dan Perri were among the
headliners while Steve Simpson
and Annie Atkins headed up
an inspiring programme of
workshops during OFFSET’s
fringe festival OFFSITE.
One recurring theme noticed
by speaker and designer Kelli
Anderson was that of humanness

or human expression. “A lot
of work celebrated the imperfect
touchable warm handmade and
idiosyncratically expressive” she
reflects. “Kirsten Lepore’s stop-
motion animation stood out as
being particularly chock-full of tiny
observed nuances about people
which made it relatable and
hilarious – to the point of extreme
awkwardness in some cases like
with her short film Hi Stranger.”
She continues: “Marion
Deuchars also discussed how she
abandoned the ‘correct’ way to do
calligraphy for her more exuberant
style. It makes it a more direct
expression of her charming self.”

Deuchars’ willingness to
celebrate human imperfection and
sense of experimentation feeds
directly into her books – a point
highlighted by illustrator Rod Hunt
whose key take-home message
from OFFSET this year was to set
more time aside to create self-
initiated work. Rod opened this
year’s conference taking to the
stage on Friday morning to discuss
the business of problem-solving.
As he explained he doesn’t
view his illustration work as art or
related to having a style as such:
it’s all about solving the problem
presented by the brief. His message
to the 2500-strong audience was

Ju ST DO yOu

A big theme at Dublin’s premier creative festival this year

was to make your own way as Julia Sagar finds out

event report: oFFSet Dublin 2017
Bord Gáís Energy
Theatre Dublin

17–19 February 2017


Key speakers
Mirko Borsche
Kelli Anderson
Bruno Maag Marion
Deuchars Dan Perri
Rod Hunt Nils Leonard
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