proJect FActFiLe
BrieF: London Symphony Orchestra tasked The Partners
with creating an identity to celebrate the first season of
new musical director Sir Simon Rattle that would be music
to the ears of all concert-goers not just classical aficionados.
cLient: London Symphony Orchestra
AGency: The Partners
coLLABorAtor: Tobias Gremmler
proJect durAtion: 18 months
Live dAte: Januar y 2017
spring 2017 the partners for lso
StuArt rAdFord
uK creative director The partners
Stuart started his career at Fitch before
co-founding Radford Wallis in 1999 and then
joining The Partners in 2011. He now heads the
agencyâs London teams where heâs currently
leading a project for European channel Arte.
StriKinG the riGht chord
Stuart Radford
When london symphony orchestra (lso) first
approached us in 2015 the team wanted to
evolve the brand to coincide with sir simon
rattleâs first season as musical director. the
orchestra itself has always been progressive
so we felt there was permission to be a bit more
innovative. lsoâs performances are renowned
for being visceral powerful and emotional so
there was something interesting in the idea of
it being an orchestra that was always moving â
in both senses of the expression.
We did a comprehensive audit that looked
at how lso was communicating alongside the
rest of the sector. the london orchestras all
talked about themselves in relatively the same
way â imagery was very static and traditional.
if you know classical music youâll see a picture
of a conductor and youâll have an understanding
of what theyâre like and therefore the type of
experience youâre going to have. but traditional
representations of classical music can be a
barrier for those without that prior knowledge.
the lso is keen to get people to experience
classical music that wouldnât normally and
so there was a real opportunity with the
appointment of sir simon rattle.
StudyinG S ound
the starting point was the lso marque; it
was the only thing they were adamant they
wanted to keep. senior designer marc spicer
and i felt like we could unpack it and bring
sir simon rattle into the crux of the identity.
When you see him conduct itâs very powerful.
We wanted to create a way to capture the
movement that is intrinsic in the creation
of the music. the answer came from using
motion capture. last June during rehearsals
at the barbican centre sir simon put on
a motion capture suit and had a specially
adapted baton that recorded his movements
when he conducted various different excerpts
from elgarâs enigma variations.
When we discovered digital artist tobias
Gremmlerâs studies of the movement of Kung
Fu artists we knew he was right for the job.
He treated the data with respect but built
01 capturing the energy
of the lso was vital to
the project including
in this new musician
photography shoot by
ranald mackechnie.
02 artist tobias
Gremmler morphed
an elgar variation
into a heady plume
of coloured smoke
keeping the colour
palette warm to
match the timbre.
03 lso was keen
to retain its iconic
logo which features
a conductor in action.
the partnersâ identity
also put the conductor
at its heart.
04 the university
of portsmouth and
vicon motion systems
captured the movement
of sir simon rattleâs
conduction giving
Gremmler the data
to visualise.
01 02