Computer Arts

(Martin Jones) #1
top tipS

SprinG 2017 the partners for lso

StAy in

Stuart radford’s tips
for design harmony

modern and traditional which feels right for
what we’re trying achieve with the identity.
as the colours of the visualisations will
change from one season to the next we wanted
a level of consistency – the copy is always white
as is the logo and logotype. traditionally the
conductor always stands opposite his orchestra
so we reflect that in the position of the basic
elements of the orchestra. We also rethought
the photography of the orchestra. the joy of
seeing people play is in the movement and so
the new photography captures the musicians’
vibrant passion and energy.

poSitive FeedBAcK
the feedback we’ve seen has been very
positive. there was an appetite within lso
to do something different not only within
the brand team but within the members of
orchestra. there’s credit due to our client lso’s
edward appleyard and Karen cardy. From the

outset we were trying to do something that
hadn’t been done before – both in terms of the
motion capture of a conductor and placing the
conductor right at the heart of the whole visual
identity. Hopefully the craft involved in the
execution and the treatment of the idea makes it
more accessible. the new identity is relevant to
a wider audience but at the same time does not
dumb down the art form of classical music.
it’s been a pleasure to work on this project –
the subject matter is fascinating and the client
was brilliant at trusting in us and in the journey.
With something like this you don’t know what
the end result will be until you have it so there’s
a big leap of faith involved. Hopefully the client’s
bravery has been rewarded.

  1. Give otherS SpAce
    i can be prescriptive because i have
    a clear picture in my head of what
    we’re trying to achieve but there’s a
    leap of faith you have to make when
    you collaborate. try to give the artist
    as much space as possible.
    2. Strip it BAcK
    We were very single-minded about
    the idea and tried to stay as true to
    it as we could. strip it back to the
    core idea – everything is influenced
    by rattle’s movements from the
    imagery to the typeface.
    3. BridGe oLd And new
    it can be hard to keep that
    connection between your new idea
    and an existing logo. We stayed
    true to the original marque. it was
    inspired by a conductor so we
    placed it opposite the orchestra.

08 the programme guide for the
season uses static versions of
tobias Gremmler’s animations.

09 -10 posters for the opening
season. the plan is to develop
colours and texture for
subsequent seasons.

11 the partners is currently
working on visualisations
to be shown behind the
orchestra as it performs.


toBiAS GremmLer
digital artist
Born in Munich but now based
in Hong Kong Tobias specialises
in data visualisation but has
worked on all number of digital
projects for clients like Adidas
Apple Sony Music VW and
Mazda. His recent visualisations
of Kung Fu martial artists won
him attention worldwide –
including from The Partners.

09 10

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