Spectrum Biology - September 2016

(nextflipdebug5) #1



This section is targetted to provide learning through problems along with the tips to memories them.

uWhich is a better suffix for Krebs’ work, a cycle

or a pathway?

•Since, the citric acid produced in the initial condensation
reaction of acetyl Co-A with oxaloacetic acid runs through
the ‘‘mill’’ and eventually yields another molecule of
oxaloacetic acid, the sequence may be seen as returning to
its starting point in typical cyclical fashion. A new acetyl
Co-A will then join the oxaloacetic acid to initiate another
turn of the merry-go-round. An apt characterisation of the
Krebs’ cycle would be a metabolic system in which the
products of glycolysis are first modified and then ground
down to low-energy products with the help of ancillary
pathways closely connected to the main cycle.

Memorising Tip

To remember the KTC = Krebs’ or TCA or Citric Acid Cycle remember,

‘Citric Acid Is Krebs’ Starting Substrate For Mitochondrial Oxidation’.

These stand for the substrate in order

Citric Acid




Succinyl Co-A





vHow does the prophase of meiosis I differ from

the prophase of mitosis?

•The prophase of the first meiotic division is of much longer
duration than the prophase of mitosis. It is subdivided into
the following functional stages:

1.Leptotene Chromosomes have begun to coil and
condense. Replication has, of course, occurred during the
S-period of interphase, but individual chromatids cannot
yet be seen. The nuclear membrane begins to breakdown

and centrioles, when present move toward the poles.
Nucleoli disappear as discrete structures.

2.Zygotene Homologous chromosomes begin the process

of synapsis by making contact at several points along
their length. Spindle fibres begin to appear.

3.Pachytene Synapsis is complete with each gene locus
of one homologue closely apposed to the corresponding

gene locus of the other homologue. Since, two
chromosomes are joined, the resultant configuration is
called a bivalent (two parts).

4.Diplotene The two chromatids of each of the paired
chromosomes are now distinctly visible and the entire
structure is known as a tetrad because of its

four-stranded appearance.

5.Diakinesis At this stage the synapsed chromosomes
seem to be pulling apart and are held together only at

specialised places called chiasmata. The thickened
chromosomes of diakinesis migrate toward the
equatorial plane.

The major distinctions of the prophase of meiosis I are
its great length, synapsing (joining) of homologous
chromosomes, exchange of complementary regions
between homologous chromosomes (crossing over) and
attachment of spindle fibres along one side only of whole
chromosomes so that each chromosome moves to the
pole opposite that to which its homologue migrates.

Memorising Tip

For the different stages of prophase of the first meiotic division

remember ‘Lazy Zebras Ponder Dire Disasters’.

These stand for the stages in order, i.e. Leptotene, Zygotene,
Pachytene, Diplotene, Diakinesis.

wThe stomata are tiny lengthwise openings in
the leaf, about 0.0001 mm wide at their

maximum opening. They are concentrated on

the abaxial surface of most leaves and range in

frequency from 100-100,00 per cm^2. They are

enclosed by a pair of guard cells, which

resemble two bow-legged sausages. Just above

the stoma and within the leaf is a large air

space. Unlike the other cells of the abaxial leaf

epidermis, the guard cells contain chloroplast.

What mechanism does this suggest for opening

and closing the stomata?

•The guard cells function through osmotic changes in their
cytoplasm. During the daylight hours, when conditions are
optimal for active photosynthesis, the guard cells pile up
sugar molecules. These sugar molecules increase the
osmotic pressure, which leads to an uptake of water and an
increase in the turgor (internal pressure) of the cell. When
the cells start to swell, they pull apart so that the stomatal
opening (pore) increases in size. This permits CO 2 and water
vapour to pass into the leaf and oxygen, a byproduct of
photosynthesis, to pass out. Thus, the leaf opens its interior
to the atmosphere only when gas exchange is necessary for

When conditions for photosynthesis are poor, the guard
cells do not produce sugars and osmotic pressure is reduced.
With the loss of turgor pressure, the guard cells become
limp, the walls partially collapse and the opening is occluded
by the now flaccid cell walls. This prevents water loss at a
time when photosynthesis is not occurring at appreciable

To be Continued at Page 63

Sunflowers use their circadian clock, acting
on growth hormones, to follow the Sun
during the day as they grow. In simpler
words Growing sunflowers begin the day
with their heads facing east, swing west
through the day, and turn back to the east
at night.
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