Filling the Ark: Animal Welfare in Disasters

(Darren Dugan) #1

162 / Index

Berkner, Alice, 72–73
biohazards, 13
birds, 34, 48; African Penguins, 63;
cleaning of oil-soaked, 62, 70,
73–75; and DDT, 65; excluded from
Animal Welfare Act, 96, 97; impact
of oil spills on, 62, 69–71, 133n3;
Magellanic penguins, 63–64; pen-
guins, 13; in Prince William Sound,
76; in research labs, 88; survival
rates of after rescue from oil spills,
Blaikie, Piers, 4
Blanco, Kathleen, 22
Buckeye Farm, 48–52, 60
Bush, George W., 33, 122

Capaldo, Theodora, 97–98
Carbone, Larry, 103–104
Carson, Rachel, 65
cats,1, 2, 7, 8, 20, 22, 23, 34, 38, 92,
109; numbers rescued after Katrina,
compared to dogs, 29; used in
research, 95. See also companion
animals; pets
cattle. See farm animals
Cerulo, Karen, 120–123
Challenger, 121
Chicago heat wave, 5
chickens: “broilers,” 43–44, 45–48, 53;
“debeaking,” 44–45, 58; egg-laying
hens, 44, 48–52, 58; egg production
statistics, 131n12; “free range,” 43;
media coverage lacking, 52; origins
of, 42–43
Claar, Harry, 76. See also Exxon Valdez
community supported agriculture
(CSA), 115
companion animals, 1, 8, 13, 16, 39,
40, 127n1; disaster planning for,
109–110; estimated numbers of, 34;
obligations to, 109; used in research,
concentrated animal feeding opera-
tions (C A FOs), 9, 112–114. See also
factory farming

ConocoPhillips, 116, 141n 8
Cooper, Anderson, 24–25
Coston, Susie, 50, 53
Cousins, Gregory, 76. See also Exxon
Cowan, Edward, 67–68
“critter pads,” 55
Dayton, Ohio, chemical spill, 38, 109
deer, 117–118
Department of Homeland Security, 12.
See also disasters
disaster planning, 120, 122; for farms,
113; for pets, 109–110; positive
asymmetry in, 122–123
disasters: biohazards, 13; decision-
making in, 2, 11, 16–17, 42; defi ned,
11–12, 61, 84; media coverage
during, 23, 63, 75, 78, 89; psy-
chological distress during, 37–38,
109; public safety issues in, 38, 75,
79; refusal to leave pets during,
35–36; researching, 10; responses
to, 10–13, 14; types of, 13, 39, 84;
veterinarians in, 14, 29, 111; vol-
unteers in, 2, 10, 62, 73. See also
hazards; vulnerability, of ani-
Division of Wildlife (DOW; Colorado),
dogs, 1, 2, 7, 8, 20, 22, 23, 34, 38, 92,
109; used in research, 85, 86, 88,
89, 95. See also companion animals;
domestication of animals, 40–41
Earth Day, 65
economic impact of disasters, 14–15,

  1. See also disasters
    Englande, Chip, 25
    Erika oil spill, 63, 82
    Exxon Valdez oil spill, 63, 71; clean-
    up efforts following, 76; estimated
    numbers of birds and animals
    killed, 63, 76, 135n 46; timeline of
    events, 75–76, 135n45; use of toxic

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