Index / 163
dispersants following, 76; volume
of, 75–76, 135n44
factory farming, 41, 55, 60, 112; envi-
ronmental impact of, 114; public
health and, 54, 55, 131n 19; subsi-
dies for 113, 114; reg ulating, 114;
subsidies for 113, 114; transition to,
41–42, 130n 4; vulnerability of ani-
mals in, 8, 9, 45, 48, 54, 60, 114. See
also concentrated animal feeding
farm animals, 2–3, 13, 14, 40–42;
as “absent referents,” 52; cattle, 3,
14–15; estimated numbers of, 40;
humanely raising, 55–59; labeling
system for, 58–59; large-scale dis-
ease outbreaks and, 13; public atti-
tudes toward treatment of, 54; risks
in disasters, 42, 60; sheep, 14. See
also chickens
Farm Sanctuary, 45, 48
Federal Emergency Management
Agency (FEMA), 12, 33–34, 111
fl ags of convenience. See oil tankers,
“open registry” of
foot and mouth disease (FMD), 13,
foreign animal disease (FAD), 15–16
Foti, Charles, 99
Francione, Gary, 16
Franklin, Adrian, 65
Galveston Island, Texas, 19
Glückauf, 66
Goodwin, Bradford, 89, 90
Groves, Julian, 102
Hamm, Carol, 25–26
Hartley, Fred, 61, 64, 132n 1
hazards, 11, 13. See also disasters
Hazelwood, Captain Joe, 76. See also
Exxon Valdez
hogs, 8–9, 56; hoop barns, 56, 132n33.
See also farm animals
horses, 29, 34, 129n19
human-animal bond, 35, 39, 130n27
Humane Society of Boulder Valley,
9–10, 27
Humane Society of Louisiana, 20, 36
Humane Society of the United States,
27–29, 47, 49
Hurricane Andrew, 5, 10, 84, 120;
studies of, 4–5
Hurricane Charley, 10, 20
Hurricane Dennis, 8
Hurricane Floyd, 8–9
Hurricane Gustav, 19
Hurricane Ike, animals abandoned in,
19, 39, 112
Hurricane Katrina, 2, 3, 9–10, 19, 45,
84, 89, 99, 104, 108, 121, 124; ani-
mal rescue in, 26–34, 38; estimated
numbers of companion animals
affected by, 34; evacuation orders
in, 21–22; evacuees forced to aban-
don animals during, 22–23, 24, 26,
35; increase in numbers of animals
surrendered to shelters following,
36, 130n32; locating lost animals in,
31, 32, 37–38; meteorological his-
tory of, 20, 21, 129n.2; preparations
for, 20–21; race and 3, 5, 127nn4–5;
role of volunteers in, 2, 10, 27, 30;
and St. Bernard Parish massacre,
“Hurricane Pam,” 121
Hurricane Rita, 2, 21; cattle killed
in, 3
Hurricane Wilma, 21
Institutional Animal Care and Use
Committee (IACUC), 97, 105
Institutional “thinking,” 11, 94, 103,
108–109, 128nn23–24
intensive agriculture. See factory
International Bird Rescue and
Research Center (IBRRC), 73, 79.
See also birds; oil spills
International Maritime Organization,
80, 82, 136n58