Index / 165
1971, 72; Tor re y Ca n yon spill, 67–70;
use of Dawn detergent in, 74; volun-
teers in rescue efforts after, 62, 73
oil tankers: capacities of, 67; dou-
ble hull legislation and, 82–83, 116,
141n8; “jumboization” of, 66, 67;
“open registry” of, 80–81; and super-
tankers, 67
“Oily Dog,” 25
OohMahNee Farm, 49
otters. See sea otters
Park, Miyun, 2–3
People for the Ethical Treatment
of Animals (PETA), 98–99, 100,
139n n 46, 47
penguins. See birds
Perrow, Charles, 108
Petfi nder, 27, 32
Petroleum, extraction of, 66; shipping
of, 67. See also oil spills
pets, 1, 127n1. See also companion
Pets Evacuation and Transportation
Standards (PETS) Act, 2, 33–34, 39,
109, 112
Pew Commission on Industrial Farm
Animal Production, 54–57, 113
Physicians’ Committee for Responsible
Medicine (PCRM), 98, 101
Pollan, Michael, 113
“positive asymmetry,” 120–122
poultry, production of, 43–45, top
producers of, 44, 131n10. See also
Prestige oil spill, 81–82; estimated
numbers of birds killed by, 63
Rader, Karen, 92
rats, 90–91; excluded from Animal
Welfare Act, 96; included in NIH
guidelines, 97; moral status of,
137 n n16 –17
research labs: animal models, 94–95,
103, 138nn28, 30, 140n55; animals
most commonly used in, 97; ani-
mals’ vulnerability in, 103, 106;
cats and dogs used in, 95–96; disas-
ter planning in, 89, 98, 104, 106,
120; estimated numbers of animals
used in, 86; institutional thinking
in, 94, 103; lack of accountability of
in disasters, 95–102, 105, 139n47;
NIH guidelines for use of animals,
97, 139nn41–42; outcry over drown-
ing in, 98–99; press coverage of
disasters in, 89–90; protecting ani-
mals used in, 119–120; reportable
deaths in, 99–100; “sacrifi ce” of ani-
mals in, 86, 137n5; sociozoological
scale, 90–91, 139n38. See also ani-
mal experimentation; mice
Resnick, Joseph, 95
Riopelle, James, 26
St. Bernard Parish, 24–26, 35
Sanders, Clinton, 6–7
Santa Barbara oil spill, 62, 64, 71; num-
bers of birds affected by, 62, 133n3
Scully, Matthew, 124
sea otters: costs of rehabilitating, 79,
117; and Exxon Valdez spill, 77–78;
impact of oil on, 71, 75, 77–78, 117
Senate Subcommittee on Air and
Water Pollution, 61
Serpell, James, 41
slaughter facilities, 114–115
Snowball, 23
sociozoologic scale, 6–8, 11, 90, 104,
107–108, 117, 118
Standard oil spill, 72–73
Sturla, Kim, 46–48, 52
Suez Canal, 66–67
Sunstein, Cass R., 58
sustainability, 55, 59, 112, 115. See also
sustainable agriculture
sustainable agriculture, 54–59; and
hoop barns, 56, 132n33; implica-
tions of for disasters, 54–57; label-
ing system for, 112–113. See also
community supported agriculture;
farm animals