166 / Index
Texas Medical Center (TMC), 87–88,
98; numbers of animals drowned
in, 88
Three R’s, 96–97, 120, 123, 139n39;
lack of compliance with, 105–106,
141n66. See also Animal Welfare
tornadoes: Buckeye Farm (Croton,
Ohio), 48–52; following Hurricane
Katrina, 45; West Lafayette, Indi-
ana, 37
Tor re y Ca n yon oil spill, 67–70; legis-
lation following, 80, 116, 134n 28,
135n 58
Tropical Storm Allison, 86–90, 97,
104, 137n7
Union of Concerned Scientists, 54,
56–57, 114
Union Oil, 61–62, 64. See also Santa
Barbara Oil Spill
U.S. Department of Agriculture
(USDA), 14, 16, 42, 96, 98, 114–115;
Animal and Plant Health Inspection
Service, 14
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, 75,
University of Miami, 84
University of Texas Health Sciences
Center at Houston, 87, 98, 120; Cen-
ter for Laboratory Animal Medicine
and Care, 88–90; memorial service
for animals drowned in, 90; num-
bers of animals drowned in, 89
vegetarianism, 57, 59
veterinarians. See disasters, veterinar-
ians in
Victims and villains: construction of,
34–35, 39
Vioxx, 101, 140n56
vulnerability: of animals, 6, 9, 13, 16,
17, 54, 65, 80, 83, 107–108; defi ned,
4; on factory farms, 114; in research
labs, 103
vulnerability paradigm, 4–6, 17,
127nn6, 7, 11, 12
Walker, Kate, 46–48, 49, 51
waste lagoons, 9. See also concentrated
animal feeding operations
Weyauwega, Wisconsin, train derail-
ment in, 38, 109
wildlife, 7, 13; human confl icts with,
65, 118 –119; rescue of, 69, 116 –118;
in war zones, 124. See also marine
Wyeth Pharmaceuticals, 85
zoo animals, 124. See also animals in
zoonoses, 15, 128n31