Animals on Factory Farms / 59
comes for the animals that are not only important from an
animal-welfare perspective but are also easily imagined by
The details of course would differ by species. The system would
require third-party verifi cation. Many other details would have to
be resolved. My larger point is that promoting sustainable farming
requires making farming practices more visible so that people can
make purchases consistent with their moral commitments. Under
current conditions, people who choose to eat animal products and
yet want to know the animals were not mistreated cannot consis-
tently act on that commitment. Consumers need robust, reliable
information about the choices available to them. A systematic label-
ing program can provide this information, and in turn, support sus-
tainability, which can reduce the vulnerability of animals under all
At the same time, I encourage those willing to consume fewer
animal products to do so, for reasons that include reducing the
impact on the environment and improving human health as well
as compassion for animals. Many people would be more willing to
make incremental changes, such as reducing the amount of meat
they eat, than to stop eating meat altogether. Because the consump-
tion of animal products is such a deeply entrenched practice, an
incremental approach makes sense. To this end, I would like to see
more meatless options in school and workplace cafeterias. Research
by the Humane Research Council indicates that most Americans
are unfamiliar with alternatives to meat and dairy products, but
many would be willing to try them at no cost.^37 Here is an ideal
opportunity for companies that produce soy and wheat meat sub-
stitutes and other such products to increase their visibility. I would
also like to see plant-based foods become the default, so that peo-
ple have to request meat or dairy options, rather than the other way
around. Companies and school systems could promote plant-based
foods one day a week and receive a fi nancial incentive for mak-
ing compassionate choices. Individual employees could also receive
incentives, fi nancial or otherwise, for choosing plant-based foods at