Drug Metabolism in Drug Design and Development Basic Concepts and Practice

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The means by which enzyme systems are regulated are now being
appreciated and studied in a mechanistic fashion. Tools available today
make it possible to screen against enzyme inducers as well as inhibitors in a
relatively inexpensive, well-defined fashion.


Even in the simplest case, a drug that is injected intravenously and excreted
completely unchanged in the urine, there are likely important implications to
the human risk/benefit evaluation. Is the excretion so fast that efficacy is
compromised? Will the dose need to be adjusted in patients with compromised
renal function? Will high drug concentrations in the urinary tract lead to
important safety concerns? The biotransformation scientist who only asks
‘‘What is happening?’’ without ‘‘What could it mean?’’ is missing an
opportunity to play a larger role in making important decisions. In fact, it
can be argued that the biotransformation scientist is perhapsbestsuited to raise
these concerns and is neglecting a critical aspect of their profession by not
leading these discussions.

1.4.1 Efficacy

At the earliest stages of drug discovery, an important transition must be made
from the screening well to the functioning cell. Even at this stage, there are
often significant hurdles related to biotransformation. At every step along the
way to higher levels of biological organization, biotransformation inevitably
imposes further challenges to the goal of therapeutic efficacy. Understandably
then, significant time and resource in drug discovery is spent optimizing a
molecule’s disposition properties. Perhaps it is more precise to say that much
effort is put into the overall process of molecular optimization to yield a
molecule with acceptable disposition properties. This distinction, though
subtle, is critically important. For once a molecule is made, its properties are
cast and its biological fate cannot be changed. Thus, it is critically important in
drug discovery to get the optimization done right.
Few would argue that molecular optimization to achieve adequate
pharmacokinetic properties is a high priority in early discovery. Practically
speaking, much of this work could be accomplished with little biotransforma-
tion insight. By usingin vitroand/orin vivomodels, a chemistry team may
certainly achieve the necessary degree of optimization. However, even when the
optimization comes as a result of a well-developed sense of SAR, one
recognizes that substantial amounts of intuition and good fortune were also
necessary. Luck is fleeting and intuition has its limits. This is particularly true
when there is little baseline data and the problem is complex. Thus, a purely
empirical pharmacokinetic approach is not likely to be the most efficient path
for success.


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