High Temperature Superconducting Magnetic Levitation

(やまだぃちぅ) #1
4.7 HTS bulk Maglev train Ë 105

Fig. 4.10:The first manned HTS Maglev test vehicle in the world, “Century”. (a) The net levitation
gap of the HTS Maglev vehicle was more than 20 mm when five people stood on the vehicle. (b) The
first manned HTS Maglev vehicle in the world–“Century” in the ASCLab [92]. (c) “Century” in Review
of 15 Years for National High-tech R&D Program (863 Program) of China in Beijing, 2001.

Tab. 4.1:Essential parameters of the first manned HTS Maglev test vehicle in the world, “Century”.

Specifications Units Value

Passengers seats 4
Length of guideway m 15.5
Vehicle body size mm 2268 × 1038 × 120
Outside size of vehicle m 3.5×1.2×0.8
Total levitation force N 6350 at a gap of 20 mm
Levitation gap mm 20
Total guidance force N 1980 at a gap of 20 mm
Type of drive linear induction motor
acceleration m/s^21

on-board HTS Maglev equipment outside size is 150× 516 ×168 mm and is composed
of a rectangle-shape liquid nitrogen vessel and 43 pieces of YBaCuO bulks. The vessel
bottom has a thickness of only 3 mm. The linear motor acceleration is 1 m/s^2. Here are
the key observations from this HTS Maglev system:

  1. In order to minimize the distance between PMG and HTS bulks and increase
    HTS Maglev efficiency, we developed the innovative rectangular liquid nitrogen
    cryogenic vessel with a 3-mm-thin bottom wall, which made HTS Maglev vehicle

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