High Temperature Superconducting Magnetic Levitation

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5.7 HTS Maglev bearing measurement system Ë 145

Fig. 5.37:Experimental results of the levitation forces for zero field cooling YBCO superconductor
bulks at time intervals of 12 s and special rotation speeds (the levitation gap of 10 mm) [12].

Fig. 5.38:Experimental results of the guidance
forces for field cooling YBCO bulks at time intervals
of 12 s, levitation gap was of 15 mm, and special
rotation speeds [12].

speeds are shown in Fig. 5.38. It indicates that the changes of measured guidance
forces at the time intervals of 12 s were small, especially at 300 and 400 rpm. The
higher the PMG rotation speed, the smaller the guidance force changes. The experi-
mental results for the guidance forces were not better than that of the levitation forces.
The largest change of measured guidance forces in the 48 s time frame was 0.28 N at
300 rpm and 0.79 N at 400 rpm.
A lot of precious experimental results of dynamic tests were obtained from this
system (see Chapters 8 and 9).

5.7 HTS Maglev bearing measurement system [13]

The unique operation characteristic of the HTS Maglev bearings is the heavy load
capacity at a high rotational speed, which is very important to the practical application
but has not been well studied in the relevant research fields.

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