High Temperature Superconducting Magnetic Levitation

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

174 Ë 6 First manned HTS Maglev vehicle in the world

Fig. 6.28:Photograph of the measuring
system of tilted PMGs [37].

Fig. 6.29:Cooling height and lateral
displacement dependence of effective
stiffness [38].

6.9 Influence of HTS bulk geometry on the properties

6.9.1Influence of HTS bulk shape on the properties

Influence of HTS bulk shape on the levitation properties were investigated
experimentally by Zhu et al. [39] and Ren et al. [40] The trapped flux and levitation
forces of all HTS bulk shapes were measured at 77 K. The levitation forces of all shapes
were measured using the HTS Maglev measurement system SCMI-01 (see Fig. 5.7).

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