High Temperature Superconducting Magnetic Levitation

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

180 Ë 6 First manned HTS Maglev vehicle in the world

Fig. 6.33:Levitation forces vs. thickness [39].

Fig. 6.34:Levitation forces of slice thickness of YBCO sample [43].

thickness and the residual thickness of this HTS YBCO bulk, respectively. It can be
seen from Fig. 6.34 that the influence of YBCO sample thickness on levitation force is
larger when the levitation gap is smaller, but the levitation forces of different thickness
YBCO samples are almost the same when the levitation gap is bigger than 20 mm.
The influence of sheet cutting method to reduce thickness on the guidance forces
was investigated by Ren [43]. The field cooling height and measured height were
20 mm. The maximum lateral displacement was 10 mm, and the sampling interval was
1 mm. The guidance forces were measured at 77 K with the HTS Maglev measurement
system SCML-01. The results show that when the lateral displacement is small, the
effect of the HTS sample thickness on the guidance forces is not clear. With the
increase of lateral displacement, the guidance forces increase rapidly with increase
of sample thickness and tend to saturation. However, due to the restrictions on the
sample thickness, the guidance forces cannot be studied on thicker samples.

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