The Environmental Debate, Third Edition

(vip2019) #1



AAAS. See American Association for the
Advancement of Science, 40, 41, 127
abating smoke, 76
Abbey, Edward, 147–48, 190
absolute decoupling, 270
abundant water, 65
abuse, 14
acceleration, 118
Acer Sacharinum, 27
acid rain, 163, 167–68, 180–84
Adams, John Quincy, 22, 23, 32
Adaptive Management approach, 227
Addams, Jane, 68, 83–84
adequate control, 134
Adirondack Forest Preserve Act (1885), 60–61
Administrative Procedure Act, 142
Advancement of Sound Science Coalition, 274
adverse effects, 179
aerosol sprays, 169
agrarianism, and industrialization, 23–24
agriculture: carelessness in, 18; and climate change,
263–65; commercial applications in, 207; crops,
107; districts, 59; economy, 125; effects of, 116;
globalization economy of, 222; industries of,
64; intensification, 271; lands, 65, 125, 158; and
pastoral industry, 50; policy and undrinkable

water, 278–80; productivity, 271; scientific, 20;
stages of, 29; technology, 208; in United
States, 101
air pollution, 48, 163; in ambient air, 136; Clean Air
Act definition of, 235; eliminating/reducing, 108;
prevent and control, 108; and quality, 107; States
and local governments, 108; statutes, 167
air quality, 107, 233; standards for, 135. See also
Clean Air Act
Alaska, 1, 37, 222, 248, 255, 258
ambient air quality, 136
America: aboriginal, 131; corporate, 238; dust-
bowl of, 98; Ecological Society of, 96; expanding
industry, 86; harbor pollution in, 14; in late
eighteenth and early nineteenth, 21, 39; longterm
structural change in, 230; people of rural, 93;
public forum, 230; reform in, 63; scientific
organization in, 20; twentieth century, 101;
twenty-first century, 205
American Academy of Environmental Medicine, 206
American Association for the Advancement of
Science (AAAS), 40, 41, 127
American-born naturalist, 20
American Clean Energy and Security Act of 2009,
American Conservation Association, 105
American environmental foundations: cultures clash,
2–3; ecosystems clash, 3; and Europe, 2; new
nation, 3; overview, 1
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