A Practical Guide to Cancer Systems Biology

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  1. Protein Structure Modeling 121

Figure 5. Modeling with ModWeb. (a) ModWeb job submitting form. (b) Result page,
notifying you to view the result in ModBase page (by link mark by black box), where your
result is stored. (c) Overview of the models generated. Click on the bar marked by the
black box to go to the detailed information page. (d) Page showing detailed information
about your model. Click on the combo box and select ‘Coordinate File’ to download the
structure file.


  • MODELLER License key

  • Sequence of your protein of interest. To get sequence of a protein, please
    check the previous sections.


I. Navigate to ModWeb (https://modbase.compbio.ucsf.edu/modweb/),
or search it in the search engine.
II. Fill the name, input sequence of the protein of interest, and license key
into the form. Fill other things if appropriate (Fig. 5(a)).
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